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Nate - 3@43


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  • Baller

You can be the greatest athlete in the world… But when you read this… None of it matters. Kids people. Kids.


I’m sure this will get flagged and removed so feeling won’t be hurt and sponsorship $$ can roll in…. But every once in a while though I think our sport needs to be reminded of its forgetfulness.


To hear Nate Smith celebrated as an athlete at events and on webcasts this summer was insane. How has this been forgotten? How is this ok?




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  • Baller

A back massage? A 23 year old gets a back massage from a minor...how old was this minor? Its been discussed here before, that particularly the sexual relations was while he was 21 and the minor was 17, which in many states doesn't constitute statutory rape. All of the time ranges put him 21-23 y/o. I'm not saying this makes it ok. Certainly there were actions that he needs to be held APPROPRIATELY accountable for.....but to hold something like this against him for the rest of his life, take away his livelihood (sponsors) for things that were done while he was 21-23? Barely an adult himself at the time?


If I was condemned for the rest of my life for what I did while in college like this....


What has he been found guilty of since he was 23 years old, or even accused of?

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  • Baller
@ScottScott did you read the whole thing and picked up back massage ? It says, Long pattern of inappropriate relationships with 14-17 girls, sexual, emotional and physical abuse. That should be nobody's college life.
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  • Baller

@UCFskier Did I say I was ok with it? Maybe you need to re-read what I said, not what you want to see. Would I be ok with it? No. Would I expect the rest of the world to condemn him for the rest of his life. No.


I have 2 daughters, now grown. One of them was involved with a 21 year old when she was still in high school. They hid his age from me, and I was PISSED when I found out. DCF was called (not by me) and nothing could be done because it wasn't illegal. I was pissed at him, and I was pissed at my daughter for hiding it from me, and I put just as much blame on her and her judgement. As her father, my memory won't let go of it, and I don't want to have anything to do with him. But....do I expect the rest of the world to condemn him for the rest of his life....NO!!!

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  • Baller
@Ali As mentioned above....did I say I was ok with it? Did I say there shouldn't be any ramifications or that he shouldn't be held accountable? No. But should he be condemned for the rest of his adult life for something he did as a kid (and 21-23 years old is still a kid?) I don't think so.
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  • Baller

Not everyone can even agree on Nate being the best skier ever, let alone his sketchy past. But jumping on @ScottScott isn't really fair when questioning it. He's right, no official laws were broken. We can be pissed, repulsed or whatever, but is there anywhere in the report stating he had non-consensual relations? I get it, I have a daughter, but I don't believe for a minute she wouldn't be mesmerized by a dashing young star of his trade when she's in high school. I'm a career musician, so ask me why I believe this.


Now smacking a woman, that's a totally different story. I'll take my panda now JH.

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  • Baller

@ScottScott you sound disappointed with his actions? people generally get to move on when they recognize how their actions are wrong and admit they should have done differently. how do you forgive and move on when he has not asked anyone to forgive the actions safe sport found him in breach of? (food for thought... I honestly was not trying to piss you off with my hypothetical scenario)


@swc5150 I think a lot of official laws were broken (hitting someone) however none were sent to trial.

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  • Baller
I was of the opinion that he had served his time as prescribed by SafeSport and that he should be allowed to continue to make a living, as @scuppers said the NFL, NBA etc... is full of "reformed" athletes. I had also heard that he was a very humble and down to earth person. I would ask anyone who thinks this to watch the video of the awards ceremony at the Hilltop ProAm. He was asked to put on tournament sponsors hat while on the podium. The look on his face and refusal to put on the hat was enough for me to know the type of person he Truly is.
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  • Baller
@wettek69 I would argue the opposite; the trouble appears to be a single standard--one that tolerates a primarily male behavior (the abuse and/or sexual abuse of females). A standard about which our culture cares so little about that victims don't report or press charges.
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  • Baller



Ok i'll bite as it sounds like you are making a judgement by a 3 second sliver of time in a video during a chaotic event.


I pulled the video and watched it.

Fast forward to 10:23:41


Here is what I saw and PURE speculation and mind reading:

"oh snap, i'm trying to hold my ski, i have a check in my hand, fixing to be handed a trophy, this podium is slippery with the rain, i've got my sunglasses on my head, dang a hat, now how the hell am i going to put that on my head without busting my ass? guess I'll just hold it and look awkward versus a dumbass falling off the podium and all my stuff going flying."



Questioning humility or a 3 seconds of chaos? Pretty obvious.

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  • Baller

@scuppers I would say that with cases like the NFL players (some not all)... when issues arise (violence, sexual assault etc) these players take responsibility apologize to the organization, fans, and victim. they get "treatment" and move on with their life. And yes they should be allowed to. I have not seen that in this case and thus........ not a fan.


Also it should be discussed because without discussion how does this change. Nate is not unique or special. these thing do happen through poor decision making and immaturity. young skiers coming up should know about this so they think twice before engaging in the same behaviors which got Nate sanctioned.


it would actually be great if Nate took a leadership role and spoke about his experience and the poor choices he made!


or not

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  • Baller_

@ozski @jayski Define “best ever” and the criteria you use.


Regina, I think yes, although she has only pushed the women’s record from 1@41 to 4.5, a 3.5 buoy advance of the record. There are several others to be considered such as Kristi Overton Johnson(1@39 to 1@41, a six buoy record advance) , Deena Brush (2@38 to 1@39 or a five buoy advance) and Liz Allen to name three.


Nate? Maybe. Certainly he has run more 41’s than any other skier, maybe more than all other skiers combined, but does that make him the best ever? He’s “only” moved the World Record forward 0.5 buoys in his career. How about Andy (5@39 to 1@43) or Bob LaPoint (5@38 to 5@39) Or Jeff Rodgers (first guy to run 41 at 36 and 34)? How far forward did they move the records? Quite a bit further than Nate. Even CP moved the record further, from 1.25@43 to 2@43, a 0.75 buoy advance.


Nothing against Nate. He’s a truly great skier. I just don’t think he automatically earns the title of “greatest ever” because he happens clearly to be the best male skier now (and for the past 10 years). Maybe he’s the greatest ever, but it’s not a given.


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  • Baller
If sponsored you make money every time you break a record so what sense would it make to blow the record out of the water? A smart, consistent, very confident skier will chip away at the record a quarter buoy at a time. If you had a close competitor that might break your record that’s a different story but he doesn’t.
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  • Baller_

@skierjp Not to quarrel because I agree with your logic, but Nate has to be very patient with spacing out the incentive bonuses as his current record of 2.5@43 was set eight years ago in 2013.


On a related topic, run your proposition past Freddie Winter. I did. He couldn’t disagree with you -or me- more.


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  • Baller
@UCFskier can’t argue with your thinking. And these open forums are really necessary and a positive influence on future possible bad decisions. Course do you think Mike Vic is really sorry for all the dead dogs? (Just an example that comes to mind) I for one am not buying into pro athletes sudden reversals of character.
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  • Baller

@lpskier personally I still think a random flip of a coin for running order front to back or back to front would solve it.


Would Nate move the record forwards sooner if he had to go off the dock first not knowing what freddie or detrick has to put up next?


People have said that encourages sandbagging but if its a toss of a coin there is no advantage to purposefully lowering seeding. Run it as per usual in prelims toss a coin and wham top seed first or in an event with 10 do 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 just ensure that occasionally top seed doesnt get to see what the 2nd seed did.

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  • Baller

There is a physical limit to what line length can be run (especially as there aren't any 7' high level skiers,) with current course dimensions. As we get closer and closer to that limit, the records are going to fall much slower than they did in the past, so I don't think that fact contributes to whether Nate is the best ever. I look at how much better he is than everyone else over the last several years. I think that at least puts him in the discussion.


In the case of the current record, the concept of chipping away little by little for a financial advantage goes out the window when it hasn't been broken as long ago as it has.

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  • Baller

@lpskier Ok freddie a bad example I'll take that.


But in this sport the "best" skier coming in only has to beat the next best skier by some fractional amount. And for Nate that means if someone goes down early on 41, even if he skis out the rest of the pass there is no reason to take that next crack **unless its a record tournament behind a Nautique**

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  • Baller
@ntx what’s wrong with the Malibu?! With the right conditions slalom scores should be great for the men and the women. I’d suggest that the “pressure at the top” is about as good as it’s been for both men and women this past year. There are several guys who have a legit chance to run 41 any given weekend.
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  • Baller

@klindy its nothing about the boats its about dont poop where you eat, dont date the bosses daughter, dont set world records behind the competition's hull.


So when you watch Nate lay down a full pass at 41 behind a Mastercraft and that's first place his day is done. No crack at 43. Now you seed them backwards and you make the top seed go out first and they get 6@41 with the rest of the field still waiting to go.... Do you leave that stand or do you feel pressure to put down another couple balls... Proceed with the WTFs yall know this is an issue and is anticlimactic.

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  • Baller

@BraceMaker The idea of seeding, is the better you perform the better your advantage. True in all sports where they do seeding. Snow Skiing, Tennis, Golf, Baseball, Football etc etc. It is about the event, the WR is secondary.


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