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Everything posted by DavidN

  1. Don’t put a tower on that classic. Please!!!
  2. Don’t know how it is on your boat, but on my Response the plugs are super easy to get to. I change them about every 300 hours and keep the old ones just in case. Usually the old plugs still look perfectly fine. If I would be worried about seizing, I would just remove them, put antiseize on the threads and put them back in.
  3. If you take the trip to Clermont to pick up Mark’s boat guides - I have a set of 10 Polyform turn- & gate buoys we took out last year to replace them with Wally buoys. They had been installed for 1.5 seasons and are a bit faded and a little deformed, but still very usable, especially when you are on a budget. I can’t deflate them because I’m too afraid to damage the valves. (Rubber got pretty soft around the valves.) Just come and pick them up ... :)
  4. Wally buoys have a noticeable line all around (from the mold) so it’s super easy to get them all adjusted at the same height.
  5. A technical question... I currently have the dual puck ZO system. (2010 Malibu Response, original factory install.) I’d love to upgrade to the ECI single puck and the latest ZO version. What does the upgrade involve? My understanding is, that I need the new puck + harness ($450), the software upgrade for the HU to work with the single puck and the latest ZO software ($50) Question is - can my “old” HU be flashed to work with the single puck or do I need a new HU as well?
  6. I 2nd (or 3rd) getting a realtor involved. Didn’t see any mention of @drew (Drew Ross) here, but highly suggest contacting him! He was fantastic to work with when we searched a home down here and went above and beyond to get us our dream home on a small ski lake in Clermont. Couldn’t be any happier having worked with him. He knows about the needs of a skier and everything that is to know about all that realtor stuff.
  7. I did the same as @ScottScott with my HRT and it works fine that way, but I agree with @jercrane - kicking in is not really an option as long as you don’t like the binding to be very loose on your foot. Luckily I start both feet in. BTW - the HRT BOA is also available in the aluminum plate version. It’s a bit costly though. https://www.perfski.com/radar-2019-hrt-boa-aluminum-plate-standard.html
  8. Yeah, almost, because we don’t ski art, we ski high tech! ;)
  9. Time to speed up. Kudos to your wife - way to go!
  10. Thanks @SkiJay, can’t believe the craftsmanship. That fin (and it’s packaging as well) is almost a piece of art! Can’t wait to try it out.
  11. Really only one way to find out - launch your boat and get the empty trailer weighted.
  12. Slightly above $53k, if you add the 7.5% sales tax. Good for the Clemson Ski Team.
  13. I feel so sorry for Rob!!! Just a few days prior to this unfortunate accident he tied the U21 British National Slalom Record with a stunning 3@41off 36mph! He was definitely on fire and so ready for Moomba. Hope he will heal up fully and get back to skiing soon!
  14. If it was my boat, I’d do whatever I like best, not what other people tell me to do. Just sayin’ ... ;)
  15. KD Platinum 67 Inch @twhisper will get you set up!
  16. We skied over a decade on a river with quite the current before moving to Florida. There are actually two effects to the skiing. First it’s the actual speed through the water. Boat speed is set by gps, so fixed or over ground as you will. Let’s make it easy and say, you have a current of 2mph. Boat travels at exactly 34mph (over ground). Skiing downstream, the skier will ski @ 34mph above ground, but only 32mph through the water. The opposite is true when skiing upstream. Boat - again pulls @ 34mph above ground - skier though will get pulled through the water @ 36mph. Feels quite weird and very different from the last pass! Secondly, due to the current flowing in one direction through the course, the distance between the buoys feels totally different going upstream vs going downstream. Not side to side of course, but almost like the whole course is shorter (clenched?) downstream vs longer (stretched) upstream. That greatly effects your timing! I always found it quite challenging and always skied my best going against the current (upstream).
  17. Do you know anyone that attends Moomba and travels with ski gear? ;)
  18. Yeah, Connelly is a pleasure to deal with! @CollinSpradlin and @The_Krista helped me out a couple times now, can’t thank them enough!
  19. I used the purple one on a trick ski. Works good, keeps the screws from becoming loose and you can still remove them without worrying about unscrewing the inserts at the same time. Blue is probably overkill.
  20. Drew‘s house is located on Lake Florence. We‘ve stayed there a couple times before moving to Florida. It’s a beautiful place and I highly recommend it! MVA is overlooking the lake.
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