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Everything posted by Rednucleus

  1. @MISkier chrome; tried explore too, no change.
  2. I have an old XP system I still use at home. In the past few weeks, when I click on "discussions" I usually get a blank white page, except for pictures on the side. It does occasionally show the thread titles but never opens them; always a blank page. I can watch any videos fine. Any suggestions are appreciated (except those about get rid of XP - I know, I know)
  3. My "most satisfying" are the smooth and early, feel like you could run a 10 ball pass. My "most fun" are when I think I am ruined by 2-3 ball, and somehow my Superlite ends up early again by 6 ball. IMHO it's the ski, not the operator!
  4. @cougfan & I occasionally ski with a surgeon that routinely does TKR - in fact did one for my wife a couple months ago. I asked him about post THR & TKR skiing - he says as long as you are in control and not pushing it (like really competitive shortline) he is comfortable with his patients skiing. His concern is if you have a bad crash, you can have a catastrophic implant & bone failure and possibly really tough surgery recoveries and use of leg in the future.
  5. Still no good science/studies especially long term (more than a year). IMO as a veterinarian, stem cell is still mostly a profit center for those performing the procedures. Lots of unsupported claim on what it will fix - maybe someday it will be worth doing but not there yet - despite personal testimonials that say otherwise. And I have a hip that would love to try it if I thought there was even a small chance it was worth doing.
  6. What handle are you using? I found my elbow feels better with a larger radius and curved bar.
  7. Lake Koreis in E Wa; try www.skipond.com for contact info
  8. @BlueSki careful what you say - with reviews like that the price of the ski is going to go way up!
  9. A bit off topic but similar age - drive by a boat for sale every week. Stopped and looked today - '84 Ski Nautique, 596 original hours, pretty boat still. Bet it's lived indoors most of it's life. Has a tower :(
  10. For future use, could you put a little foam pad on the corners of the acrylic so it would rest on the fiberglass edges and be held off the floor?
  11. @SpartanSki get better soon - what bindings are you using?
  12. @"Keith Menard" Have used my 3/4 Stokes 2 months now, 2-3 days a week and very pleased with fit, comfort & durability
  13. Uh oh warned and did it anyway. IMHO pay the fine, sorry!
  14. HO has a demo program; try both lengths
  15. My buddy Doug under the lights at Bow lake
  16. I think I am entitled to a finger or two of that nice scotch as well :)
  17. I would be concerned there may be further structural weakness you can't see and could lead to a future failure & injury. I vote new ski time.
  18. Add the chair event to Worlds and spectator numbers would go through the roof!
  19. @adamcord that returned ski would make for a nice demo model at Hilltop!
  20. If your trailer is in good condition and your rig is rated to tow. go for it and have fun.
  21. Half price ?? Whack it with a hammer and ENJOY!
  22. That is a high end custom molded handle; still has a couple hundred sets left on it - but don't let anyone else use it so it doesn't change your mold!
  23. @PeterAK your poor wife! If it was me I would tell her "no problem, honest mistake" then keep it "in the bank" for next time you screw up and need forgiveness!!
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