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Everything posted by Boody

  1. Two weekend tournaments: MC and 200 took 195 gallons for 164 pulls. Two SN 196s took 203 gallons for 180 pulls.
  2. You may not like the "sticky feel" at your lower passes but at 35 and 38 I doubt it will feel that way. Plus the wing adds stability. It is no accident that most shortline skiers run their wing at 9. If it doesn't work, it takes 1 minute to put it back, jeesh.
  3. Kim and I are in, looking forward to joining you for a brewski.
  4. Got to get a bulk tank, that will solve 90% of your problems. Ours was super cheap, holds 300 gallons, is gravity fed. Skiers log passes and which determines you gas bill when it's time to refill. Running cans to the store is a pain, driving there, securing, spillage, and collecting the money. No permits or anything needed.
  5. I have the same ski, i would definately run 9 degrees, not 7. You need this at -35 and -38. Plus it's what Goode recommends. I moved my fin from 8 to 9 and I like it better.
  6. I am with Karl 100%. We host 4 tournaments a year and always had a novice division with a guaranteed 4 passes, and trophies. AWSA will provide trophies for free, its the ticket.
  7. My back is starting to hurt after reading all these posts, may have to pick one up, LOL. Is it really that good? I would think they would be all over the place if they worked that well. I am starting to see both side of the argument. I guess I keep falling back on the same position, I just don't see how they can be illegal. However, I do think the arguments against PV are more compelling in any event where endurance is an issue, like Big Dawg or head to head, etc. Would I get pissed if I got beat by someone with a PV, yes. But Milford entered M3 regional Championships so I am going to have to get used to it soon. But he could kick my ass without a PV......I think.
  8. Hung out with another Ball of Sprayer this weekend, DSmart. What a great guy, great skier too. Its pretty cool when you meet a BOS member and you already kinda know them. Made a lot of good friends on this website, its pretty cool.
  9. That is great Ed, you are a lucky lucky man. I love the 200. Jdarwin, 8-9 K more than a MC? I know of two people that have bought one and they were much less than I thought, especially the promo boat. I was looking into a 197tt last year but went with a CC which was way cheaper.  My observations are that the 200 is now more in line with the pricing of the 197tt. Sounds like you got a great deal, enjoy your 197tt, its a cool boat.
  10. Really looking forward to hear how the MR works, let us know. Dave Goode, if you are reading I am willing to accept a mid ride for no cost and give you my honest feedback. Its a win-win Dave! Or, I will also accept a MR at cost and make payments of $50 a month, let me know.....
  11. I measured the length of my fin according to the Goode website, see below. You lay the caliper on the fin and use the inside edges for this measurement, this is not a Goode caliper but a regular dial caliper. My problem is that part of the dial caliper is not a machined edge, you cannot zero it out. Further, that gap is different on all calipers. I tested 3 calipers this weekend to include a Goode caliper and they were all different. You should use the lower machined area, but those numbers would be much different and not even provided. Goode lists two sets of the numbers, one for the dial caliper and one for the Good "slot" caliper which is a fully machined edge. I am just wondering what is the proper measurement for length and the proper way to measure. I would assume people do NOT measure length as shown in the picture, it would be too inaccurate. I think the answer is to use the "slot" caliper numbers for the machined edge of the my dial calipers. I probably totally confused everyone, sorry. I cannot add pics for some reason. http://www.goode.com/wstfinadj.htm
  12. Clemsondave, I really like the 9900sl (regular) and have not tried the wide or mid. Although I would love to give them a try. I can tell you my ski buddy (200 lbs) went from a Nomad to a wide ride and his skiing shot up significantly, 6 bouys by tournament score. Milford has had great success with the wide as well. Scott Chipman may have tried a few of the Goodes but not sure. I would like his 2 cents on this. I don't think you can go wrong with any of them, but I would also would like to know the difference in the sl, mid and wide. I vote mid or sl for you, not that it means anything. Good luck.
  13. Horton, just try to open a pic on a recent thread. It's a no go. Good luck, sorry you have to deal with this BS.
  14. After watching the boat path and the skiing, its a legit as it comes. I can't help but mention its no coincidence the record was set on a 9900 sl and a SN 200. Perfect combo.
  15. Here is a list of those that posted a personal best: Sue Bittle - W3 Ryan Bittle - M3 Blaze Grubbs - B1 Jana Grubbs - G1 Katie McCuen - G1 Tom Anderson - M4 Rob Lund - M4 Justin Lund - B1 Mike Budreau - M3 Rob Scholl - M3 Braden Doane - M1 And a ton of other skiers skied great.
  16. Masterline but going In Tow next time
  17. Love the pic of my wife! It was sure nice to meet all of you from WA... Hey our tournament for July 10th and 11th is almost full at about 30 right now and we can only take 35 so come back if you want 6 rounds in 2 days!Â
  18. LOL, picture is good but the comments are funnier! Awesome. Why?
  19. Shoot, I don't know the engine size but it was strong, got up to speed quicker than the MC. Scott, I am on the Goode 9900sl.
  20. We hosted a tournament this weekend and Russ Wilkinson brought his 200, beautiful boat. I have never seen so many PBs set behind a boat, including myself. I am a believer, the wake was non exhistent from -32 on (no troff) and pretty darn good from long line to -28. Even the kids were setting PBs behind this boat. Also loving the closed bow, the bench seat is huge compared to the open bow. Yes, the rpms are high. The boat drives amazing, actually tracks better than my 09 196. The skier is not able to pull this boat around as much as my 196, it tracks better than any boat I have driven. I know, can't really give the skier some a lot of "love", but this didn't seem to be a problem for the skiers setting PBs.
  21. We hosted a tournament at our lake in Eagle Point, Oregon and had some fellow BOS members join us, Officer Friendly (Rob Scholl) and Richard Doane. Rob skied a personal best on his Strada and Doane was rippin every set on his Strada. Their kids, Tomas Scholl and Braden Doane are not only great skiers but good kids. All four helped out a lot with the tourny. You guys give Ball of Spray a good name, a pleasure to have you guys down, thanks for making the drive. I will try and post some pics once I get them downloaded.Â
  22. I visited the Correct Craft factory and got a very informative tour of how they make these boats. I was impressed. During the tour, I asked him what model sells best assuming it was a wake board boat. I was suprised to hear the 200. He said the 200 outsells all other models by far. This was also evident by the 200s all over the factory. Glad to see slalom boats selling to strong. By the way, I skied behind the 200 for a week while at Swiss ski School last week. I did notice something at -28, but its -28 so who cares. From -32 on, I would have to say the wakes are a bit nicer than my 09 196. Difference is minimal, but after coming back home, I could tell.Â
  23. I have the Sony Vixia HF10 from Costco, which is high def. It uses the ACDHV format. I would NOT recommend this. Great for recording from the shore, the color is amazing. But from the boat, the camera is too shaky even with stabilization. It cannot be mounted to a trakker, too shaky.
  24. I have an 09 196, after selling my 98 196, my 98 had a great wake. 97 and newer rocks.
  25. Beachesne 4.5 @39. T Gass and parsons 3@ 39. Asher pre released 2@ 39. Runoff with Parrish and got 3@ 41. Rossi down at 38. Nolan and jaques in top 4, don't recall who else.
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