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Everything posted by Dacon62

  1. To the best of my knowledge all Senates of the same model year come out of the same mold. The difference is mainly in the core. Possibly a bit in the lay up to achieve the desired flex. The 17&18 had the step design in the bottom. The 19 lost the step and was a more refined. The 20 shape changed again and is just a bit better. With each shape change the Senate has become better and better. They are all good skis but after owning all three years I think the newest model has the biggest sweet spot and is the most fool proof and easy to ski on. At the level you are at the Lithium will be a great choice but you won’t be sorry if you get the Pro.
  2. Sounds like a 69” Radar Senate would fit the bill. Most forgiving build is the Alloy, next up is the Graphite then Lithium and finally the Pro. All shapes of the Senate are the same just the core differs. Very generally, Alloy is the softest flex and least expensive with each model up getting a little firmer in flex and a little pricier. Try before you buy if you can. I currently ski a 20 Senate Pro but have previously owned a 17 Lithium and a 19 Lithium. All great skis with the current shape being my favorite. You will love it first time out.
  3. Only a few things it can be. String is wound backwards on the servo shaft. Throttle return spring is weak and not reacting quickly enough. Or ...??
  4. Replace the whole thing. If the seal is gone then the bearings have likely been exposed to water and worn as well.
  5. Have had a few versions of the Vapor boot. Excellent product and fit my foot well. Have a 10 foot and sizing up to the 11 boot fits perfect. 10 is too small. Get the Vapor Carbitex unless you have a wide foot then the Pulse may be a better fit. Try before you buy always a good idea of course.
  6. Lake filling fast and 61 today. Might be skiing by next weekend. Looks like air temps up to 75 next week and that should get the water up to 70. Not bad for the South West of B.C., Canada.
  7. Don’t know yet...still waiting for the warmer weather to melt snow pack to fill it. If it was full and I had to guess I would say 55-60.
  8. Interesting, have a 20 Senate Pro and was thinking of going the other way, to a Vapor Pro. Not unhappy with the Senpro just been on a Senate for a while and wonder if I’m missing something. Would test first of course.
  9. Dacon62

    Boat destroyed

    Had an ‘08 with the Diamond Hull. Probably my favorite boat ever. Definitely my wife’s. Have a 17 Prostar now...V-drive wakes not my favorite although the VTX is probably as good as it gets.
  10. Would love to hear the music that gets you pumped up for a slalom set. Here are my current favorite 3 in no particular order. UFO-Dr. Dr. Iron Maiden-Prowler. Motley Crue-Live Wire. List your top 3, and include links if you can to get us right to the music.
  11. Masterline Gen 2 Optimized with new ML 1.062 handle.
  12. Another benefit of the plastic guard is the rope doesn’t get twisted up.
  13. @skialex yours is a less expensive, functional, minimalistic version. I like it but many of us don’t have the talent to do that but we know our way around a zap strap or duct tape if needed. Here’s mine. Just coming out of 1 ball. Isolation crazy setting in.
  14. Killer deal now that the exchange rate is favoring my friends south of me. https://fluidmotionsports.com/collections/parts/products/fm-handle-guard
  15. @Horton Don’t get me wrong I love my Prostar. Having owned many 20’ DD’s and a 20’ V-drive my wife’s and friends favorite boat was the V-drive. They always say how much they miss the VTX. The V-drive seating possibilities make for a much more social boat when skiing is not the primary or only use. This is a target market that Malibu has gone after with the VTX and I think MC could trump them if they put the Prostar hull under their 20’ NXT. And face it if the wife is more excited about a V-drive the chance of getting a boat is much higher. The wake would never be as good as the DD Prostar but if it would be close they may sell a lot of boats?!
  16. Another post asked about how the 20’ MC NXT was for skiing and this thought came to me as it likely has with other slalom mainly families. That since it’s introduction most years of the 20’ Malibu VTX has been know to be the king of slalom cross-over boats. I had one and it was about as good as it gets for a V-drive. I would love to see MC do a V-drive version of the Prostar. I think that would be the best V-drive slalom boat ever produced. What do you think?
  17. In sales...they said don’t come into the office, work from home and limit contact with customers. Will be working more from the Lake I guess so that will give me more opportunity to ski. Stay healthy out there people.
  18. I must be out of touch on this...what happened to Regina J?
  19. Don’t know for sure but guess would be that larger spacing is desirable on the feather frame because the material is not as strong as Aluminum??!
  20. Anyone that has tried my ‘17, ‘19 or ‘20 Senate has loved it and been comfortable on it first try. And that is not just from guys coming off of old skis but other fairly current, high end model year brands.
  21. I think the premise of the original post was that skiers have been receiving benefits at the cost of others that may no longer be willing to absorb those costs. Receiving benefits that they were not necessarily entitled to but has come to be the expectation. Now we are at a place were skiers will have to start paying for true costs and receiving similar or possibly fewer benefits. Not a fun pill to swallow, but necessary. Kinda like...the kids have to grow up, move out, get a job and stop asking Mom and Dad for money.
  22. Comments below are from memory so let’s hope they are accurate. If not I’m sure someone will correct me. 1) BF Warrior-Cool boat. High top end. Handles well. Tiny inside. Beware,look for soft spots, wood floor and stringers. If Johnson motor of same era they were not that powerful. 2) Malibu-great boat for its time. Pretty good wakes. Good top end for bare-footing for a direct drive. Again, wood in the construction. My buddies ‘86 was all rotted out when he gave it away. 3) Tristar-decent boat. Don’t think the wakes were anything special but OK. All fiberglass so no rot to worry about. Open bow a plus. If these are your only 3 choices and assuming they are all in similar shape, I would lean towards the Mastercraft. Good luck.
  23. @Shark As far as I know skiing in the Lagoon is dead. Hope I’m wrong. That’s why the push for an on site private lake. As far as flying in. Yes, currently PE Airport may take a connection or so to get to but it has just recently been granted funding to do major upgrades scheduled for completion in 2022. As this area has seen a huge upswing in flights my guess is this upgrade will attract a larger player which will give you more/better options to fly in. The other option with more direct flights currently is Huatulco. Shuttle service to and from Vivo is available. Shuttle/taxi services to go into town and back and enjoy all of what Puerto Escondido has to offer are available daily. So you can enjoy the many Ocean front Restaurants, Bars and entertainment. While having a car would offer more convenience it is not a necessity. Because this area offers so much to see and do, as you described, not only on site but in town there is something for everyone.
  24. @BigGerald3 I have never been to Gordon Rathbuns Ski Paradise in Acapulco but have heard that it is a top notch experience. I think a Water Ski Lake right in the backyard (no driving to get there) of Vivo Resorts would be right up there as far as excellence of experience. Lets hope we all get to be the judge of that in the future. Thank you all for your responses. Your continued comments and thoughts are appreciated. Hopefully there is enough convincing material presented to give this project the go ahead.
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