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Everything posted by WBLskier

  1. Is the servo listed there? Maybe I missed it.
  2. I get that this isn't a technique and you can't force it and it is due to what you did leading up to it...but does anyone have thoughts about where (ideally) it should happen if you have done the things leading up to it right?
  3. This concept is something I’ve been working on for a long time, though I definitely don’t have it yet. I realize that it probably is all of the things that lead up to the point where you transition to the reverse C that dictate when that happens and not a point where you decide it happens. My question is this: at say 32, 35, and 38 off, if you are doing the other things right, where does the work zone end and the C-zone begin, ideally? It would be great to have some idea of if the transition is happening in or near the right place.
  4. I would work your traps, biceps and forearms today and maybe throw in a couple sets of light squats. It is usually the first soreness that is the worst for me, and it helps to get it out of the way if possibe. I would think 5 days would be enough recovery time to be back to normal before skiing.
  5. I would work your traps, biceps and forearms today and maybe throw in a couple sets of light squats. It is usually the first soreness that is the worst for me, and it helps to get it out of the way if possibe. I would think 5 days would be enough recovery time to be back to normal before skiing.
  6. Good luck skiing off the pylon with that up.
  7. 91 to 94 prostar has one of the best wakes I've ever skied behind. Upwind he spray is a bit if a nuisance but no more than other boats of that era. I owned 2 89 prostars which have the old hull and while good are not nearly as good as the 91+ model.
  8. Just saw a story in our local paper about a new company you can hire to take video or photos with one I'd these. Paper said max flight time is 6 mins per charge. Better get the shots quickly.
  9. I thought about trying a cheap tethered weather balloon for some aerial shots...maybe one from far above the course looking down and one a few feet above the skier ball. Haven't actually tried it yet though.
  10. You will love it. My dad has a c and brother in law has non c. I have a strada. All so easy to ski. You can turn them no matter where you are on them. Sister just bought 65 c for that price. It's a good deal.
  11. I bought a boat because I wanted a boat. I don't think it makes sense to pass on the cost of anything but gas and I can say no one has offered me gas $ in several years and im not upset about it. Cost if doing business I think. Most of us in our group have boats but we only ski behind 3 or so bc of wakes. I choose to ski with mine more often because I like it and it seems like a waste of money not to use it. Plenty of good boats out there for way less than 70k and if you need your friends to chip in to cover the cost of the boat, insurance, storage, maintenance, etc then you either bought too expensive of a boat or should have bought it with them. Just my 2 cents.
  12. I keep two pairs if ski goggles in the boat. One for driver and one for skier. With the Bimini up I love it. No one else to contend with on the lake.
  13. You get a pretty good vantage point when mounted on the front of the ski.
  14. My Australian cousin who surfs real waves tried it when he was visiting here and said "wow that was boring." It's fun on a Saturday afternoon, but most people I know who do it sucked at waterskiing, wake boarding, wake skating or barefooting and wanted something easier. I can't stand when you're just getting to run a pass and you see the listing mammoth boats plowing down the lake with the everyone in the boat, including the driver looking backwards.
  15. Kids wetsuits are cheap. Look on amazon.
  16. Skied march 21st last year on white bear lake. Not expecting to get to do that again for a while. Usually first or second week in April before the ice is out.
  17. My friend is going to be selling a 1986 Supra Comp. It has around 800 hrs I think. New upholtery two years ago and new stereo. He installed a new carb in the last year or two. It has a monster tower. What do you think it is worth? He is trying to decide what to list it at. Thanks.
  18. Does anyone have a link to detailed perfect pass (non-gps) installation instructions for a mechanical throttle boat (preferably with pictures or video)? I saw some videos on the perfect pass website, but they are pretty short and did not look like the servo is being mounted in the correct position for my boat (98 malibu echelon). Thanks.
  19. I am skiing a 2010 Radar Strada 66 w/ front left strada and non-adjustable radar toe plate. I have it set up to what I believe are stock settings. As a result my front binding is as far back as it will go, and so is my rear toe plate. I was skiing on it for an entire year with the front binding too far forward. My first set out in the right place I ran a personal best. Since then I settled back into where I was skiing. Prior to moving the bindings Cory Pickos had me move my rear toe plate back a hole. I felt like I had much more leverage and liked how it felt immediately. Later in the summer, after realizing I had the front binding in the wrong spot and setting the bindings to stock settings I am not able to have the same distance between the front boot and the rear toe plate since I’m at the back holes. I feel like I am back on the ski at times and I miss the feeling of extra leverage I had. I realize the strada is supposed to be skied on the back a bit more than other skis. I am contemplating moving my front boot up one hole to get that feeling back. It is hanging in my garage so I can’t measure it now or post a pic, but I measured from the back of the ski to the seam on the back of the front binding, so I think I got the front boot set right. Any suggestions on whether I should try moving the front boot up a hole so I can get a little more leverage on the ski and feel like I’m a little less on the back of it? If I hadn’t run a PB the first time out of the gate this would be a no brainer.
  20. Vargas. Too funny. Yes I have a sportube 3. Seems like it will fit but wasn't sure if it Is a problem that the skis are crammed in so tight and up against the sides.
  21. Does anyone have any tips on fitting two slaloms into one sportube? I tried last night and I think I can get them in there tightly, but they are both pressed right up against the side of the case. Is this an issue? Does anyone have tips for how to best fit them in? Do I need to remove bindings from one or both skis? Thanks. It will be a 66" Radar Strada and a 67" Radar Senate C both currently in the padded radar bags.
  22. Thanks. To clarify I already work out regularly...run, yoga, lift. I just always seem to end up with terrible headaches and neck aches. I'll try some of these suggestions. Thanks.
  23. I'm heading to Cory Pickos in 6 weeks for 5 days of skiing. I may not get an early spring in MN like we got last year where I was able to get 10 or so days in before early April...odds are the lake will still be frozen. My upper back/traps and neck always kill me following the first few days of skiing. Any suggestions on what lifts/exercises I can do to mimic the loads of skiing to ease the pain on those specific muscles and try to be in some shape for this?
  24. How about a handicap scoring system so everyone competes against everyone else, regardless of buoy count? I put together a scoring system last year for our group of skiers. Basically I had handicaps based on each person's personal best full pass from the year before. Not everyone was into it, but the times we used it everyone ended up very close in terms of scoring.
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