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Everything posted by bojans

  1. Thanks Tom. So you cut off the tip of the ski and not the tail?
  2. I have been looking for a set of 76-78" jumpers for my son for a while with no luck. I am finding some older (2008-2010) 90" skis at a fair price. Is it possible to shorten a modern jump ski (D3 or Goodman)? If possible, is it a safe thing to do? As a side note, if you happen to have some 76-80" jumpers that are not being used, please let me know.
  3. We have done our boat in CQuartz UK. Boat looks incredible, is very easy to keep clean and requires little maintenance. That being said, it really only lasts a season for us. This year I just decided to hit it with their "booster" product called Reload. It is simply a spray on wipe off product that is supposed to help refresh the coating. It looks freshly coated and if I can just wipe this stuff on every couple weeks, that is the way I will go this summer.
  4. Cool setup. A quick search found this. https://www.amazon.com/DVKNM-1024X600-Waterproof-Reversing-Semi-Trailer/dp/B07PNGNJ9M/ref=sr_1_23_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=split%2Bscreen%2Bwith%2B2%2Bcamera&qid=1618424877&sr=8-23-spons&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExRDBZSzk2UDJZWjRUJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMzAzMDQyMjJHR05OMEVBTTRXUSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwODUwMDE5MlRORldTTzBIUUwwMSZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX210ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU&th=1
  5. @buoyboy1 the solid objects are floating docks.
  6. We have a couple areas of our site that need some help stopping rollers from bouncing off of solid objects back into the course. Wave eater offers 2 sizes of their system. The large ones are very expensive, $150 per foot but they make a smaller version that is $40 per foot. Does anyone have any experience with these? If so, how have they worked for you? https://waveeater.com/
  7. We had the same issue on our 09 last year. Once we started using "better" fuel (avoiding grocery store and places like Thorton's) the engine light has stayed off.
  8. Where does one go to get water tested?
  9. If you are not looking for tons of bass take a look at Bazooka marine line. You can get an all in one sub, enclosure and amp that is compact and provides decent sound.
  10. Looks a little out of control... https://unofficialnetworks.com/2020/11/18/big-sky-telemark-skier-jedi/
  11. Lake is down to ~55 now from a high of 88 this summer in Northern Illinois. Course and jump are out, boat comes out as soon as the wind is calm enough to pull the boat canopy.
  12. @Chad_Scott do you know if that distance was the first hit or after the bounce? Not that it really matters, but I am curious.
  13. I heard on the webcast Saturday he has a concussion and a fracture in his shoulder but otherwise OK. Ryan Dodd's crash was also a bad one, but not this bad.
  14. The bimini on our boat has seen better days and needs to be replaced. Has anyone found one of the new style bimini's (that are highly tensioned so the fabric do not flap in the wind) that fits a 2009 196?
  15. I am noticing when looking at past tournament results there is no option to see overall scores.
  16. My son will be skiing Midwest Regionals in a week and a half. Do the regional tournaments generally try to use the same boat that was drawn for Nationals? The reason I ask is my son does not ski well behind the Malibu, he says the pull feels different. At Nationals 2 years ago he did OK behind a Malibu but that was after a week of sets behind one and changing his ZO setting. Normally I wouldn't worry and just suggest he go from B2 behind Nautique and MC to C2 and be done with it but he is only 12, the last time he skied behind a Malibu he was getting into 28 and not shortening the rope, now he is @32 and shortening.
  17. My F-150 has the same engine trans combo as the Expedition. Tons of power even at elevation, pretty decent gas mileage (unladen), quiet and comfortable. the only down side is the fuel consumption when you are into the boost and have a heavy load. Single digits are not unheard of when pushing it hard.
  18. So awesome! I was watching that doing the same shoulder movements I used to do while in the boat watching my son run the course on two skis. I hope you at least bought her a slushy for the effort.
  19. Kids size jumpers have become very difficult to find (and expensive if you find them). Any thoughts on using these as kids jumpers? https://www.wakesports.com/products/ho-park-popsicles-2019
  20. That is awesome that he is up on one at 8. We started my son at about the same age at 15 mph on long line. The mini course is fun for them and can start giving them the desire to round buoys, but I wouldn't focus on the minicourse. Get him to start trying for the full course and use the mid buoys when he can't make it out to the full buoys. Once they get the timing down it is amazing how quickly they will start to pick up speed. We moved from LL to 15 off when he got up to about 24 mph. Have fun!
  21. My son did really well on the TRA starting at about the same point where your son is now. We moved him up to a vapor when he was getting into 26-28mph
  22. We had Polydock probably 12+ years ago and had to replace the dock. The surface got so hot in the sun you could not stand on it. The heat caused the surface to warp. Again, this was 12+ years ago. They may have improved the product.
  23. Our lake is surprisingly warm at 74 in N Illinois. Unfortunately our water level is up about 2 feet over the normal level making for bad rollers and the need to add protection around walk ways and patios down on the water. Video of how high the water is
  24. @Vl782 Going back ~15 years I have had to have surgery for a herniated disc 3 times. All 3 were "fixed" via microdiscectomies with the last of the surgeries being a redo of the first one. Surgery and recovery were very easy and relatively painless with immediate relief of my pain . My symptoms were severe pain going down my hip and leg with 2 of the times actually resulting in loss of muscle control and foot drop. I am not sure what you mean by side shift, but if you mean your torso looking like it was severely curved, I had that as well. I was told early on to only let a neurosurgeon touch my back and it has served me well. After all 3 of these surgeries I can still run the course but do use a drop ski to protect my back. I could probably get away without using the drop ski but it is an easy way to ensure I don't end up in pain after skiing. I continued to jump after the first surgery but was told my jumping career was done after the second surgery. Shoot me a message if you have any questions, happy to e-mail or discuss on the phone. Best of luck to you on a speedy recovery.
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