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Do you think in feet or meters?


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  • Baller

I am somewhat in the same boat as @richarddoane.

Having worked with a European skiers ski school and spending a lot of time in the boat with him over a few years I picked up meters. When I come home my boat crew looks at me funny when I ask for the next line in meters. I guess it depends on the company. With scoring and running ballofscores I use meters in the scores and in the archive. I think of both at the same time usually every time. I am score bipolar you can say.

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  • Baller_
You should add..Do you think in feet or meters? Fourth choice;..... It should be feet, but "on" the line not "off". Maybe that's not the point in the thread but had to explain and explain again to non skiing spectators, and there were lots, again and agian at Soaked what the "off" was. Makes even less sence when they start at 32 "off". Way easier to say the rope was 43 feet long and now it's only 40. Got lots of big eye opening "Oh..I get it now!!! " responces. Why or how the sport ever got caught up in "off" is beyond me. But it stunts the understanding of non skiers a great deal IMHO.
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Sorry @MattP BallOfSpray is not the UN or the IWWF.


This is the land of the free and the home of the brave. We talk about skiing in feet and MPH because that is what George Washington and Abraham Lincoln would have done. The USSR used meters and look at what happened to them. Do you want to be like France or Greece? NO!


Darn it I think I am going to put on some blue jeans and drink a warm Budweiser from a can in my Chevrolet.


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  • Baller
@Horton yeah yeah yeah I know. The only reason I "like" meters is what @wish is talking about. For the common man off makes no sense, but the meters "on" do. Why when the IWSF went to meters on did the us not just go to feet on?
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This is America screw the UN! Screw the commies. Nuke the whales! Baby seals taste good!



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  • Baller

The metric system rocks! The USA is totally backwards sticking with english units. Even England doesn't use english units anymore. Let's see, there are 12 inches to a foot and 16 ounces to a pint. Or is it 16 ozzes to a lib? Nothing scales rationally or makes sense relative to other properties. When doing science or engineering I work in metric and convert to english if needed.

Waterskiing in the US is 100% english rope off. Some scorers have both listed on worksheets but always tell the US driver in feet off and mph. The course isn't any easier measured metric...


ps fix the typo on the title

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  • Baller

I would like to find the idiot who decided to take a rope length in meters and convert it to a length minus 75 feet. Really? I realize it makes perfect sense when you start from a 75 ft rope but to me it's one of those ideas that's brilliant until you take a step back, look at it again, and think that's a terrible idea... We don't say "plus 2 or plus 6" when talking about boat speed.


That said, one place it backfires is when the skier who normally skies 34mph tries a new ski, doesn't make his opening pass at 28 off, or is tired from the first set and says "give me 32". Uhhh did you want to go down to 32mph or bump up to 32 off?

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  • Baller
in reading these posts i realize that i refer in feet "off" and meters "on", which is weird in and of itself, not a big whoop until im trying to explain it to someone that does not ski. maybe ill start asking for my rope length in meters "on"-will definitely throw some people off!
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  • Supporting Member
Veering way off topic, but anyhow: 10 hrs a day, 100 minutes per hour,100 seconds per minute actually would work out surprisingly well, with seconds being a similar length to what they are now. (Currently 86,400 seconds per day; "metric time" would be 100,000 seconds per day.)
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@horton,france is not grece or ussr and we think in meters,don't forget your jeans have been invented in France in the town of NIMES,and beer come from cervoise invented by french people and celts called "gaulois";your chevy don't run if denis PAPIN and ferdinand FOREST didn't have invented the engine.So americans are great because waterski slalom is yours idea THANKS A LOT !!!!!!!!!!!!

Gump french baller .

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This is all the proof I need that feet and inches are best

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  • Baller

When talking with other skiers almost always in feet off

When talking to boat crew(s) almost always in colors (anyone should get that right)

When scoring the dock/boat almost always tell me feet off but I put meters in the computer

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