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Flatest Wake Ever


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  • Baller

Hi all, i'm having a debate with some of my friends over which boat has the flatest wake/wash of any boat ever made .

Some are saying a Flightcraft XLT20 . Others are saying Barefoot Nautique . One even mentioned a Sportster.

I thought i'd open it up for general discussion

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  • Baller
Once more proving that I'm indeed an old fart, my vote goes to the Hydrodyne I/O. I never skied behind one in a tournament, but they were still around when I started. No wake and even with the giant fin they used, if you got late, you could just pull yourself early.
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  • Baller

@Andy is right. No way a BFN should be in the discussion of flattest wake (maybe flattest table). In fact the rear engine BFN ('91-94) was much better than the center engine monster but neither of them were great wakes.


Can't beat a flat hulled outboard for a flat wake. My 1st boat was a '73 Checkmate w/150 Merc. It didn't always run but when it did the wake was non-existent.

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  • Baller


Sanger OB with its 15-16 degree dead rise wins this one.

The Flightcraft OB had an 18 degree dead rise and a slightly taller rampier wake.

Both are excellent boats but the Sanger has the lower wake.

Skied behind both as friends had both on the lake.



Malibu Sportster with its low weight and shallow dead rise.

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  • Baller
No one said anything about approved boats so my vote goes to an outboard tunnel hull we used to ride behind. Once that thing was on plane the only thing in the water were the prop and the trailing edge of the two sponsons, It barely made a ripple in the water, but you could really pull it around.
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  • Baller
Skied this 21' Vector/200Merc the first summer of course skiing. Solid tracking at our level and no wake to notice plus a fun cruise back to the lift at 70+mph. Bought a 91 Prostar the next spring and had to learn the course all over - thought it had a huge wake.
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  • Baller_
My daughter learned to ski the course behind a 12 foot flat bottom jon boat with a 10 horse Johnson (she was very little and light). I fashioned a tow pylon and rear view mirror on it. Zero wake, but what a trip trying to keep that anywhere near straight. When she really started yanking on the line, the boat was recommissioned as the course maintenance rig. Pylon makes a good grap bar when reaching out for buoy replacements.
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  • Baller
@Jordan +1 on the 19' JCraft - spent a decade behind one. Despite two fins they don't track worth a damn... but the wake was flatter than the flightcraft and every other other outboard I ever skied. And believe it or not @skihacker - having owned both - the JCraft wake is half the Sportster's and twice as hard in rough water! Makes the sportster feel like a cushy Rolls Royce.
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  • Baller

Honestly? A 1976 Crestliner 18' Muskie tri-hull with a 135 Johnson. Hands down. Amazingly it was even better than my dad's 15' Pacecraft which is built on a copy of an Allison hull and weighs under 800 lbs. fully rigged and fueled. The tri-hull outboards also have steady pulls and don't get yanked around as much as the v-bottom outboards. Trouble is the last ones made are now about 30 years old.


One of my partners grew up skiing behind Malibus because that's what his dad had. After skiing behind my 19' Rapid Craft / 150 Merc a few times, his assessment was, "This is a FUN boat to ski behind."

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  • Baller

For all the guys saying "Sportster" for flattest wake...


It's a very hard wake and great for barefooting- potentially the best barefoot wake of all time. Very little white water in the wake. Narrow hull, lots of lift, light boat. Slalom? Parking curb. That's a wake that will take fillings out of your teeth!


TSC 1, pretty tough to beat: http://www.fifteenoff.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/blog_node_view/blogimages/comingthruthegate.png

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  • Baller

@jhughes - Was the sportster you skied behind set up for barefooting with the SSP (Scarpa Suppression Plate)?

It's an adjustable trim plate attached to the wedge bracket. That kills the slalom wake. Take it off and it's a whole other animal. Small, soft and sublime.

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  • Baller
Sportster is just fine, TSC-1 muy bueno as a slalom machine...but still will claim Sanger outboard as the flattest wake ever. Stand behind that thing, look down and it's just bizarre how low and flat that wake is.
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  • Baller
When I first started skiing the course I owned a Glastron V164. 16ft Aqualift hull with a 140hp Volvo IO. Super flat. Before that I had a GT 150 with a 115hp Johnson and before that a Jetflight 143 with a 70hp 'rude. Both were fast and had zero wake. After the Glastrons I bought a 16ft Checkmate with a 140hp Suzuki - tiny wake. Our current boat is a 92 PS 190. Nice wake with a little bump at 22. One buddy's 97 PS 190 is nice too with a bit smaller 22 bump. Two buddy's have Flightcraft XLTOB's with 200hp Mariners. Nice wakes just a little crisper than the MC's.
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