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All new 2016 Vapor

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  • Baller
I would also be bery interested to know if there are any tweaks to the 67" numbers as i am planning to demo the 2016 model next weekend. I am still on the 2014 beast and running the numbers that @Horton recommended in his review...took me about 18months to find them (exasperated/ frustrated with a seemingly untamable ski) - but the ski is finally singing to me....
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  • Baller

Tried both sets of his numbers, but settled back onto these:

DFT: 0.765. FL: 6.885. FD: 2.475. Wing: 8. Boots: 29 7/8.

I have a reflex supershell front and a strada boot rear.

I have a 2 deg cant wedge under my front boot and i have just installed a 3mm heal riser under both heals...

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  • Baller

handful of sets in on my 69.5 in water ranging from 42 to 63 degrees. It didn't much care for 42 degrees, but then again it was the first time out and we were just getting to know each other. Boots one hole back from where they'll be in summer temps.


Now that the surface temps are consistently mid 50s or higher, it's coming to life. Really digging how easy it is to cast out, conserve momentum through the turn, and turn well even if you're not positioned just right in the pre-turn. I'm already far more consistent on it than I was on the '15 shape. Can tell it's going to be awesome once the summer temps are here.


Happy swerver here!

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  • Baller
The outtakes are the best part! As you all became aware of in this thread, I call scotch burnt mossy gasoline, but apparently the rest of the world considers this bottle of 18 year old Talisker to be the, "Best Single Malt Whisky in the World (World Whiskies Awards in 2007). Stunning balance of peat, spice and sweetness". John, I hope you enjoy that bottle as much as I have enjoyed participating in this thread and thank you for all that you do for the sport.
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@Chris Rossi I confess that some scotch can taste like "burnt mossy gasoline" but the Talisker 18 is VERY nice.


I suggest you never owe @eddie_roberts_jr a favor because I am sure he would like a bottle also.

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Day 6 for the season yesterday and day 6 on my new 2016 Vapor. 2nd set decided to shorten to -35. -35 is my toughest pass prob run it 35% of the time. Anyway first attempt super narrow gate put me way down course at 1 ball with major slack rope didn't even try holding on. Went back down and settled. driver pointed out "get up on the boat on your gate glide". Still didn't get as wide as I should have but decided to give it!! little slack out of one but held on good 2 ball (RFF) managed 3 a bit late long pulled to make 4 crushed 4 ball heading to 5 in pretty good shape got excited saying wow im going to run this35!!! Pulled my usual holy crap this is going down stiffened my legs around 5 and you know the rest of the story. Bottom line my confidence just shot to the moon to have got a full 5 this early is totally new territory for me. This ski is amazing my offside continues to improve and my body isn't feeling as much load. Having a blast on the new 2016 Vapor!
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  • Baller

Just for clarification I have two sets of numbers:


Radar Factory settings:




My Personal:




@skidawg runs my personal settings while @markchilcutt runs my suggested Radar factory settings. When I have someone try the new vapor, I have them start at the factory settings then work from there.

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  • Baller
Thats what I'm thinking, especially since he really liked the green one & the blue one (i would go as far as to say love, but that would mean commitment and we all know @Horton can't commit long term to any 1 ski)
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As much as I highly anticipate the current year Radar I will stick by my self imposed ski review rules. The skis are reviewed in the order that they are received.
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Pending a wildcard*

Denali, HO, Radar then D3.

Other skis at the discretion of the manufacturers.


*long story that i will tell only if needed when the time comes

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  • Baller

Hello All,


I finally got a chance to try out my new 67" 2016 Radar last night. I was not able to turn the ski very well at all. I am only 158lbs and I'm wondering if the recommendation that I go with a 67" ski was wrong? My bindings are one notch from being all the way forward.

Measurement from back of the front binding was 30.25"ish...Fin settings were all stock. I could jump on my front foot and I just couldn't get the front to bite enough water to carve any angle.


I was also having an odd feeling that I was falling over on my off side?


The ski felt fast across the wake, but turning it was not happening...


I'm wondering if I shouldn't go get a 66" version? I've never bought into the myth that I could turn a larger ski.


Any ideas?




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  • Baller

I'll have to get the measurements again, I set them a few weeks ago. I am running with the new Radar bindings.


I came off a HO S2 65.5" (I believe it was 65.5") and being somewhat of a tail rider anyway, I usually set my bindings a little forward. I really like the way the S2 carved good angle. It definitely took some fiddling with the S2 binding placement to get it to turn the way I wanted it to.


I like to free ski at short line lengths, so counting buoys is not my goal. I just like deep hard carving turns and feeling massive acceleration ;)


@Deanoski, I think you're right. According to the weight charts I should not be on a 67" ski. I understand the slightly bigger ski may provide less fatigue, but I think a 66" would be better for me.


I'm headed to pro shop to swap it out for a 66"....?


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  • Baller

Bindings are too far forward. I don't see any reason why shouldn't be able to turn a 67" ski even though you are a little light for it. I would set the binding to where it should be, make sure the fin is close to recommended settings and ski it again and see how it feels.


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