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Everything posted by epnault

  1. In my excitement last weekend with ice out on Friday morning I was eager to get my docks, lifts, and boats in the water ASAP. Got to the cabin late on Friday after work and it was snowing hard. I didn’t care. Put my waders on and out the docks and boat lifts in. I was feeling pretty good. Got down to 12F over night but after my morning coffee at 6am I decided to put my pontoon in the water as I use it to install my traps on both boat lifts. Drop it in at the launch and no water coming from the tell tale on the outboard. Oh no. Only rain it for about 1 minute. Brought it back to the cabin and shot compressed air into the tell tale and hit the casting with the heat gun. Back to the launch and still no water circulated. Gave up and decided to drop it at my marina for service. The obvious happened, bad impeller, but it failed in the most unusual way and split at the hub/key way. The veins must have had enough moisture to momentarily freeze to the sides and it spun at first ignition. Dummy move to be impatient. If I would have waited 6hrs, 12pm it would have been fine. Bonehead move!
  2. Did this happen from your Bimini snafu? Sometimes I am delighted by MC engineering and other times I am WTF. The Bimini should fail and not the windshield too. Nobody tested or engineered it to. I have the tower on my boat and I can’t deploy or collapse the Bimini without collapsing the dam tower. So it stays deployed all season. Wow. I hope somebody got there butt kicked at work for that one. Unacceptable.
  3. @gsm_peter I am not in the Nordics for skiing but rather snowmobiling. If this pandemic let’s up I might be back in mid May up in Riksgrensen. I might think about skiing too. Thanks for the offer.
  4. Thanks for doing this for the sport. Any idea when the iOS app will be ready versus the web portal
  5. @gsm_peter Where are you at in Sweden? I spend a lot time in the Nordics over the winter months. I just got back from Hemavan on March 15!
  6. @eleeski thanks. I can save $250 borrowing some parts from work to build a harness. I tried to rent and borrow last season and gave up.
  7. Skied yesterday for first quick free ski NW Wisconsin. Ice went out Friday. Air temp 50 and water likely 41ish. Me and my ski partner didn’t shake hands or hang out long. I am not giving up on skiing.
  8. Found it on the back of the boat just above the transmission.
  9. Never mine above. I see they are selling this OBII to marine 6 pin. Now I just need to find the diagnostics plug on my boat. Does anyone know? I have 2016 6.2l Ilmor powered ProStar.
  10. Hi Guys - I am making my own data cable at work with EE guys and need help with the spec/name of this connector. It appears like a standard CAN connector but hard to be sure with this pic on ZO website. Anyone know? Or if someone on here could take a pic of the connector on theirs 2015 + ProStar?
  11. Hope the are lake ice is out and ski by April 11th. @LoopSki check this site https://rabbitcloset.com/trump-youre-a-fantastic-skier-great-really-great-funny-white-mug-11oz-15oz?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIpJ_v7t-36AIVF26GCh10RwTzEAQYASABEgJLqfD_BwE
  12. My wife and I got sucked into this show during the quarantine. Wow. There are all kinds of weird things in this world.
  13. I placed my first order with Mike and Performance Ski and Surf yesterday. Could not be happier and even if he claims he is slowing down it was the best customers service I have gotten from a pro shop ever. Thanks Mike!
  14. I use mine all the time and it is a crazy effective. It helps after skiing and doing crossfit. Prior to this it would take days to release the tension in my back/sprin
  15. @Roger This is correct. I had the first on replaced and mine has worked great too
  16. @Horton is explanation for this in the manual? Hey don’t know how I missed that when we ordered ours new in 2016
  17. I wanted to do that on ours but the cost was too much to mix match. Where did your red one go? What red is it? If you are getting rid of it let me know.
  18. Anyone know where to find Edged in Water 2? The first volume is on YouTube and Amazon
  19. That is cool. Thanks for sharing
  20. 2016 Radar Vapor Graphite Waterski 69" https://minneapolis.craigslist.org/ank/spo/d/2016-radar-vapor-graphite-waterski-69/7065498916.html
  21. I am a MC guy but that thing is just beautiful.
  22. @Stefan Thanks for sharing but I am asking for a plan to waterski train. Something like, 2 days a week do "X" drills, 1 day a week to these sets, 2 days a week do...... I want to have a plan for when I am on the water that is going to help me improve.
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