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Everything posted by epnault

  1. I am 13 to 13.5 depending on brand of shoes. I don't have a problem but a 14 might be a stretch.
  2. We did that a 4 years ago. I am the treasurer and my friend is the president. We care a lot about our lake and get involved.
  3. For your needs that is the bulls-eye. Congrats, beautiful boat.
  4. I am not a legal person but since it was thrown out I don't think we accomplished that. We did learn our lesson and will be pulling it daily.
  5. Our ski partner showed up for a plea hearing (not guilty) last week and then today for the pre-trail. The prosecution needed to prove that the slalom course was obstructing a navigable waterway. They threw out the ticket and the fine. What was revealed, not a surprise, is that many people are complaining about our amount of skiing and the course. The sad thing is based on some of the complaints we believe it may be people we call friends on the lake :(
  6. I can't seem to find the company anymore. I believe the product name is boatsight and I put them on my boat for my wife when we got our new boat in 2016. Mine are attached by adhesive.
  7. I never thought I would ever buy a new DD ski boat until the new ProStar came out. I wanted it because I like to ski the course - nothing else. The rest of the family was OK with it because it had lots of room, a tower option, front seats (w/cover), and latest creature comforts like heated seats. I think the used market is strong because as previously mentioned the new boats are pricey but also there was a huge decline in volume of DD boats built from the early 2000's till now. Maybe with all the big 3 back in the game with new hulls this has turned around but the supply/demand in the used segment still has not.
  8. @benmitchell17 - message me if you are interested. I can get some pics when I am at the lake next weekend
  9. I have a like new (skied 6x maybe) Senate 65 I could sell. My son never took to the sport. Where are you located?
  10. @LoopSki @skihacker Are you guys floating the boat into your lift? Do you have rub rail guide poles on your lift? I have an L dock section next to my lift. I park the boat driver side on the dock and then hop out of the boat and float it by hand into the lift. I then use a reference point for the forward position (mine is the rear gas cap and the rear/transom rub rail guide poles)
  11. @Orlando76 Spot on man. Me and the neighbor each have a course. We basically only ski when the course is in and the course is in a lot. We know we have some haters of skiers on the lake. They know who we are by first and last name. It is going to happen everywhere in the public world -some people want the world to work they think it should. I see all kinds of stupid (illegal crap) things done on our lake all the time but I am not going to turn someone in. We broke the law, no doubt, however weak it is but the fine range is $10-$500. They are charging us way more than this. https://law.justia.com/codes/wisconsin/2017/chapter-30/section-30.15/
  12. Thanks for all the comments. There was a verbal warning last year and we knew the risk of leaving it in. But $700 fine is ridiculous.
  13. Yooper Native Here @BraceMaker Good grief. All this time I thought the ole man just made that shit up. Ha ha
  14. I am up to speed on the rules. No permit required for a portable course but no law that suggest what the use case should be other than it needs to be removed at night. The ticket is from leaving it in overnight.
  15. Hi WI Peeps - we got a $700+ ticket last weekend for leaving our portable insta-slalom course in the lake over night. The ticket states the course was obstructing a navigable waterway. Anyone have experience fighting this? My first thought - obstruction, prove it! The good thing is we have some smart people on our ski crew and one is an attorney! The actual law is kind of weak on this specific use (slalom course) and I think "obstruction of" can be argued since it sits 5' below the waterline (PVC pipes and lines) and people tube/ski/wake-board over it all day long. It doesn't obstruct any boats or any other use on the lake.
  16. I am struggling at the 28 line length but what some of you say is what is happening to me. I am smoking fast at 1 ball and can't control the speed. I ski my 15 and 22s @ 34mph pretty easy but when I get to 28 it is a train wreck. I think I am pulling too long and too hard.
  17. @Brewski I just got a handle from Randy a month ago. I talked to him on the phone and he was more than helpful. He did mention his website is old and not working. You need to call him directly.
  18. Nice job. If you skied that great on the first try you are going to progress fast until your head starts messing you up. Ha ha :)
  19. I had no idea there was a ski school there. Is this for course skiing lessons? My parents have a place in spread eagle, WI and if I had known this I would have drove over for some ski sets over the 4th holiday.
  20. @Horton Makes sense. This looks like a great overall engine (6.0) for the most people and if I had the choice when I was buying it would be hard for me to make sense of ordering a 6.2.
  21. @Tkl127 I can get 50 mph at roughly sea level from my 6.2. Footing was the reason why I got the 6.2. I doubt jumpers will actually use the 6.0 vs 6.2 but I understand the marketing behind it.
  22. The reflex system - hard shell front and hybrid rear I think would be an easier transition versus going to a RTP. I think if you work with H20 Pro shop they will let you try double boot vs boat/hybrid.
  23. Hi Guys - my neighbor picked up this boat and I noticed this morning the throttle assembly slides out away from the arm rest. If it is pushed in it works fine but we are trying to figure out if this can be tightened up. Does anyone have any experience with this issue?
  24. @usaski1 That is cool. I didn't realize they had water skis like that. I encounter a lot of them on snow ski hills. Do you have any video of you rocking the course? BTW you will love the new ProStar. Congrats
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