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Everything posted by Killer

  1. I had the compact ez slalom w/ novice buoys. As I recall I used 2 zipties to those pre-drilled holes. Ziptie Connection piece was turned inside the pipe so the arms would still telescope. Clip buoy line onto the ziptie. Boom
  2. @Andre thanks! ribs are good now. Took about 3 weeks to ski again. Only bruised not broken. Heel up! @thager thanks, I get emails from them, have for years and never bought anything!
  3. I have 2 masterline handles that I retired because the rope was done, bars are in great shape. Would love to restring! @thager Where do you get the rope?
  4. Oh man. 5 ball so sick. Does that offside come with the boat?
  5. @georgea0731 I believe newer displays did away of the yellow hue. How old is yours? You can change contrast and brightness in the settings as you may already know.
  6. @BrennanKMN the issue with that idea Is think is that the mainline isn't rigid like the turn buoy arms. This is 1 continuous line that I assume goes from the entrance gates to each turn ball. I'm just not sure how best to deploy and I'm not sure I even want to. My issue is we use a portable course but leave it in for 4 months. It can get windy and quite wavey and the current course I have the arms are warped permanently from the many years it's been in the lake for 4 months a year getting hammered by waves.
  7. I skied with Freddie last fall when he was on the NRG and before officially working with D3. As is public knowledge he tried a bunch of skis last year. I asked about some other skis that perhaps he'd want to try and he told me he couldn't get his bindings to fit on some stock insert patterns from some OEMs. Take that for what it is - likely he uses off the grid settings, which should come as no surprise since the guy's skills are off the bloody grid!
  8. condolences to you and your family @Horton
  9. TTT I recently came into Possession what I believe is an insta slalom river current adapter. Anyone used one who can explain how to deploy? The has rope has clips on it with numbers I assume indicate which buoy. I haven't unwound the reel enough to confirm but this could have the 2 adapters on it (for tidal currents)based on how much rope and clips there are. We put our course into a bigger lake and the wind can build chop from any direction so this may help. Also adds another element of effort and something to go wrong...
  10. I had some issues earlier in the year where it would take upwards of 40 seconds and a few minutes at first start of the day, but for the most part seems to lock much quicker this last week, almost instantaneous when we're already skiing and stop at the end of the lake. I've made no changes to my system either.
  11. I have an 01 SN gt40. Zbox 9.1. my settings are: Kx + Zbox 08 Crew weight 250 with a spotter or without. Ball 1, 3, exit is: 08 50 35 On A1 I am getting 16.95 +/- .01 with perfect gate and 1ball speed. On C1 I get slower times by .02-03, hot 1 ball and overall poorer feel. I think I'm dialed in now.
  12. One thing to be clear on this site, it's a regular ski site and club/school. People ski there everyday. Looks like a beautiful venue, if nothing else!
  13. @Andre I'm doing well. Haven't been doing any sports though. Still sore to the touch but everyday movement isn't painful like it was for the first week or so. I'm going to try and ski Monday. Will be almost 3 weeks since the injury. My physio said 4-6... Plan to take it essy.! Keep resting and you'll be back on the water. Nats sounds like it will be great, go hang out and have fun talking skiing!
  14. It has the tsc1 hull. Same as the bubble butt just a little bigger and heavier. Great boats! Lots of them out there, it was also the air Nautique which had factory ballast. Great all around boats
  15. happened to me, almost word for word. new to competition, was told X start time, showed up early, etc.. after I left the site the day before the event, they changed the running order, nothing was posted anywhere... My division went from a mid afternoon event to first off the dock! I had someone call me when I was preparing to leave for the site (1hr away) saying, "hey you're up next!". I was planning on being there for 4-5 hours before skiing, but I was now 2nd off the dock! the difference between my situation and yours is I showed up, talked to the chief judge and he snuck me in to the rotation later in the day and I got a score for the books but I couldn't ski for medals as I was out of the division. no harm no foul. I ALWAYS make sure to be there at 8am or whenever the event starts now, otherwise I dont go. I don't like that they didn't let you ski later in the day, no reason for that. We do this for fun, and there's a shortage of competitors, not an abundance. Hopefully all can learn from the situation and move on.
  16. I'll take the port side keypad! (Assuming it works!)
  17. @Windsurfnut I have the same boat. Tsc1? Ver 9+ zbox?. I played with a bunch of settings. Went back to factory and run kx- on the featherweight setting (I'm 185). 16.97-98 at 34.2 and my ski bud skis 30.4 where its also .02-.03 slow each pass as well. We both seem to Prefer Feather to either light or normal. I have crew weight at 200 I think. Never change it. I might go back and try kx + and ++ to see how things differ. It's a Bit hot coming into 1 for me at 34.2 then it settles in, but that could be my driver not feathering the throttle at the start, at 30.4, when I drive it seems good and each ball is +/- 2thou and around 31-31.5 coming into the gates at 30.4. Good enough for practice. My course is an old floater though so we know it's not close to RC and it's harder skiing my boat/course than an RC with newer ZO boats. Could also be my driver has only driven me & only me in a course for a few years, sparingly. One thing to try is adjust the baseline settings for each weight more drastically and move the weight setting after each pass as it's easier for the driver to change the weight setting than go into the background. I don't believe there is any other difference between the weight settings than the actual values,but I could be wrong?. EG if you have each weight setting at the same values you'll have exactly the same pull. I tried this. I've not played much with zbox values. I notice less difference from A1 to C1 on my boat than the newer ZO boats fwiw.
  18. In Canada you can age down a divisiona skier with the younger group. Makes total sense. If this was the case in the US as a M8 skier who wanted to ski at 32 you just ski with M7 skiers. If you want to ski in your age division at 30, no problem. Simple.
  19. Did my ribs in as well as well @Andre. Eastern Regionals this weekend I was planning on skiing to get my rating back... like you was feeling great on the water, finally! 6 days in now and feels worse than the start but better than yesterday. 3 days in Chicago partying for a stag over the weekend probably didn't help any but it did kill the pain for a bit! feeling too old for that too! did you get xrays or just a physical exam? I've bruised ribs before skiing and its been a 2-3 week wait to ski, 2-3 months pain free. I know they say 4-6 weeks for fractures.
  20. If nothing else 15 years is a long time in boat years. 197 hands down. Great boats!
  21. @MillerTime38 MMA would be a better analogy. Massively popular, some of the greatest athletes on the planet, rules and incredibly entertaining. striving to be entertaining doesn't have to have anything to do with make believe.... @RB 33.33~ cm easy. a 1/3 of a meter is mostly irrelevant though & it was a joke. people need to lighten the hell up and ski!
  22. Old world European water has a je ne c'est quoi to it & The metric system of course is better
  23. @a_b. Nautiqueparts.com has reman units for 650 and some guys on PN also have a fix. @jhughes can you elaborate on the + wire you mention?
  24. I'm in. Only Skied thrice this year because canada weather sucks but go Raptors!
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