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Everything posted by rayn

  1. I never saw FrameSwith look like that. The Texas winds were always blowing cross course when I was there. Glad to see you have water.
  2. try this to find it https://drive.google.com/previewtemplate?id=0Agwaa36Lupc2dFlfV0N5ZDU3Z2J6U1BPZ0QySFU4a2c&mode=public it works on Iphone
  3. I did a simple google form that does what you want. Let me know and I will dig up the link I published v
  4. Enough so I don't run dry, like I have done a couple of times in past seasons
  5. Congrats. Hopefully you will still have time for us on BOS.
  6. Highly reccommend Joe. Quick. Easy. Responsive.
  7. There is a great podcast with Robb Wolf talking about how crossfit has changed from fitness of the masses to basically training for the elite athlete. Crossfit principles still good, going to a generic box and just doing the WOD without common sense you do so at your own risk. Jenny uses the principals and applies directly to water skiing to maximize our performance.
  8. www.jennylabaw.com - She programs, I do, simple. --- plus she understands water skiers. I ain't easy but it works
  9. In 2 years when my kids graduate HS, I am going to figure out a way to work in FL Jan-Apr. then come back to MA for the ski season up here
  10. None is Massachusetts :( Private site yes, man-made purpose built lake no.
  11. Weather(wind/cold) and time(travel,early sunset), makes it feel like it is over, probably only gettin 3-4 more sets in before "boat out" the week before Halloween
  12. I learned that one straight week with Chet Raley is good and you can learn alot, but you really need constant reenforcement or you will not keep making progress.
  13. My friend had his 50th birthday party over the weekend so I drove up from Cincinnati where I was on business and about 15 minutes from his house basically at exit 21 on I69 is a beautiful private site (after some research I think it is Lake Mirage). If I had only known. Belong to Ballers? Then on my way back to the airport on Sunday, I passed by the Great Lakes Conference Championships at Pleasant shores. I just might have to move; seems like a lot more access to great sites than around Boston. It will definitely give me more reason to visit.
  14. I owned a Tige about six years, and I still think it had the flatest, softest wakes ever. Good wakes most slow speeds. So from that point of view it is a great boat and you can't go wrong with it as a slalom puller. As with any boat of this age, I would be really check over the structural integrity of the boat. My windshield was showing more separation every year and I was thinking it was bowing out, but could just be the natural settling of the boat. That one looks in real good condition given the age.
  15. How would you like to be CP. "oh I ran 1/2 @43, and I finished %%$#%^ second"
  16. added 1.5 buoys to 2@35off 34mph for a tournament PB set at Regionals, and increased my average by 2 to a little over 90. Tied my practice PB, but that was at ski school(does that count?)
  17. @Klundell way to take the next step. Awesome
  18. @waternut, Coble's, Jack's and Seth are all great choices. Seth also coaches by the set, so you could do 2 one day and 1 the next etc. Tape from the 1st set is the most important advice you have heard so far.
  19. They were extremely helpful with my Strada boot and took care of it right way. CONTACT INFO 30200 SE 79TH ST. #110 ISSAQUAH, WA 98027 US P: 425-369-6850 F: 425-222-7541
  20. 40 steps down the hill. 6 minute boat ride to our cove on public lake with the course.
  21. Can't go wrong with either MasterLine or Intow, I interchange them depending on cost at time of purchase.
  22. @than_bogan, I actually broke out my heater top this morning. There was sun, but absolutely no humidity, so it felt even colder.
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