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Everything posted by rayn

  1. @chef23 I like where you are going with that
  2. Guys @chef23 @texas6. It doesn't get any easier from here. The workout today wasnt bad until the rounds for time, then it was a different story.
  3. rayn


    That original Tige fslm 2001 had the best wakes. Quality was ok but not compared to the big 3.
  4. @chef23 @texas6 I did it monday also and afterwards Jenny said it was the gift that keeps on giving and every time I walked up the stairs it gave me some More. By the end of the night I was walking like Frankenstein.
  5. I think it just adds a third tier and still leaves people out and then you would need another tier for those who can't compete in the third tier and so on and on. Although harder do do, a well thought out handicap system would attract much more interest, be more inclusive and would differentiate itself from big dawg and senior tour. Plus. I could compete then.
  6. I do not have a dog in the fight. But am going to add some gas to the fire. I coached youth hockey for the past 6 years. They required me to join USA hockey for $40 plus another $5 for the state program every year in order to be on the ice with the kids. They also required me to get patched which required 3 different classes each having a cost and time, I forget the cost. Some of that cost was defrayed by the local program, but I never applied for reimbursement. Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you that I really like holding onto my money but it does not seem to me like $12.50 every two years should be a problem for the driver demographic. If it is, maybe there should be a hardship clause and tournaments could step up and help defray the cost for those drivers to keep them around. @GRS no idea about what the real cost is or the overhead of running the program. My point is we are not alone in having requirements from a national organization
  7. @shaneh I went the other way and married older. I didnt want my wife spending my money when I died. I can take care of myself.
  8. Is there a subset of ballers called Labaw-ers. I am feeling a cult like following that is well deserved.
  9. Totally agree with @klundell. Most of the training I do with Jenny Labaw is around the posterior chain.
  10. Jay Robb egg white protein is gluten and dairy free for those who care. not bad with coconut milk
  11. I think the stradas will give you a feel similar to hardshells with better safety. Radar customer service second to none. They just processed a warranty claim for me in less than week with no fuss.
  12. Lucky for me it is getting easier to push @chef23 legs against the wall. As they say he is pretty agile for a big man(getting smaller every day)
  13. I am not sure I heard what he said; the goatee distracted me. Was @MikeT hiding in there?
  14. How about using the foam material that noodles use and form it in the size of a turn ball, very thin foam to make the ball on the outside and mostly air on the inside, with some kind of pressure release(hole) to make them deflect when hit. One problem could be what @Steven Haines suggest with burying the fin in the foam and going OTF.
  15. What @than_bogan doesn't say is that we can get to Halloween. But the wind really starts picking up and the good days are few and far between
  16. Check liberty mutual. Not sure on the slalom course exclusion. I didn't read the policy that closely. I know the boat is covered on my umbrella.
  17. +1 on Jenny. I started working with Jenny a little before @Chef23 and recommended he start with her. I thought I was in pretty good shape and just trying to shake it up. I got a whole lot more than I bargained for. For me, my weight is the same, but I have dropped 2 inches around my waist and untold % of body fat. Because Jenny is closely involved in what it takes to water ski at the highest level, she can tailor your workouts to the sport and your individual needs. I was just talking about this today, and one of the things I like most is: you get a sheet of daily workouts detailed for 2 weeks at a time and you just go in and do it, no thinking about what you should do, how many, how to do it. There is an expectation about reporting back and in some weird way I feel totally accountable to Jenny for workout performance, like I do not want to let her down. She somehow provides motivation through the ether. Would it be better to workout with her 6 days a week, I am sure it would(it would be cool just to hang out with her and Marcus), but this is definitely the next best thing to that.
  18. I also made the transition to Stradas fro Animals and would never go back. They give better lateral contro,l are more comfortable and I feel they are safer.
  19. @gregy I will have to check when I get home on thursday, not sure if I put an Acme 515 or 525 . There are multiple threads on the Malibu boat owners site(@horton I hope it is ok to mention their site here) about the hds and SS props. I would suggest you do it ASAP.
  20. Had my SS prop explode on my Response last year, and had the infamous HDS leak. All told prop, glass work underneath the shaft bracket, HDS box was well over $2,500. Lucky I had insurance.
  21. That used to happen to me on my Animal which was an open toe. Switched to a strada and it stopped.
  22. rayn

    HO "A3"

    Crap and I just bought the A2 :)
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