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Everything posted by rayn

  1. Season is holding on here in New England. 75-80 over the weekend with low winds
  2. My gut reaction to that thread was- if you are looking to see what different sites look like go to multiple places if you are looking for coaching to get better go to one coach for consistently. It will be way too confusing to go to multiple pro coaches in a week.
  3. rayn

    I suck!

    I will channel what @Horton‌ might say. Ski passes you can make over and over again. Get your rhythm back and don't shorten until you get that back. Just recently had something similar happen to me when only practicing going straight down the rope. Two days of making all of my easy passes and I found my rhythm again.
  4. One other thing, to me one of the best layman analogies was the high jump/pole vault @MarcusBrown‌ made. You clean all six is like making a height, in high jump/pole vault you raise the bar, in slalom you shorten the rope. Brilliant!!!
  5. I agree, Tadd is great on the announcing, but when you add a "color" commentator it gets even better. Both @MarcusBrown‌ and Freddy were superb. The local crew/camera work were excellent also.
  6. @Than_Bogan‌ @Ali‌ you guys are making me feel even better about my choice of skiing out west last weekend vs. coming home and skiing with you.
  7. I just want to thank the hospitality of the Bell Acqua Lake 2 crew. What a great bunch of people with a great site. Tim was a terrific host and I was able to clear the wait list both days. I also got to meet some fellow ballers @charlieskiwest @jimbrake @krlee and even a quick appearance by @Dirt‌. Can't say enough great things. The water both days was spectacular and I was able to get a PB on day 2. It was set up for more and I would have skied even better if I could just get out of my own head and go ski, but that is a whole different thread.
  8. Mateo thanks for the offer, I wish I had time during the week to ski. @jimbrake I will PM you later tomorrow to see about Sat. if I don't get in.
  9. Hoping Baller Nation can help me out. I am in SF on business for the week and have a car and willing to travel this weekend. I am currently on the waiting list for the BAHA this weekend at Bell Acqua, but I want to have a backup plan in case I do not clear. It would be good to meet some ballers from the west coast. Ray
  10. There was a small scene at the beginning of "My Father the Hero", Mike Hazelwood did the stunt work. Mike was the first guy I ever saw run 38 in person/from the boat and this was after he retired from multiple back injuries.
  11. @rfa, you will not be by yourself!
  12. I feel the same way. I don't need Regionals/Nationals to be more than one round (never qualified - my goal), but give me the opportunity to ski more rounds in another event at the same or very close location. As a slalom only guy, I feel the same way about a weekend event with Slalom on one day and tricks and Jump on the other. I would like to get as many rounds as possible to be away from home. However speaking out of the other side of my mouth - I really like the local tournaments which are as much about being with the people as it is about the skiing.
  13. @disland is absolutely right open men and women should also be under the lights to give them the great exposure. I guess that would be the us open and that would be great.
  14. I agree with @shaneh. Most of the ski schools recommend the same. It should not be about your fitness so why not get into a good rhythm. Even the big dawgs do 3-4 before they get to their money passes.
  15. @jhughes - YA Think? Going hard with Crossfit is for the off season, you need to temper that down during the season, still do some, but scale so you can be more effective skiing.
  16. Are there more or less tournaments to ski in now than in the past? What I really care about is the availability for ME to ski in a tournament. If that is decreasing that would be more of a sign that we are in trouble.
  17. How about matching/synched VR googles for driver and skier. As long as you have the room, ski anywhere :)
  18. I have no personal knowledge in this area. But this must be a problem that has already been solved. There are tons of inexpensive meters you can put on the line. I did a quick search and I believe some even have codes to record individual use. Worse case every time you fill up. You reset the meter and then at the end you take picture of the meter and that is you receipt. Depends on the trust factor how far you need to go.
  19. Doesn't do anything for my stacked position which sucks.
  20. I never bought this, as I just brought it to the dealer eventually and had them check it and replace it. The connector is different than in a car, and the dealers have the cable and PC. My understanding from the guys at skidim that this will read the codes, it was not something i wanted to try since it was such a time synch already. Good luck. http://www.skidim.com/prodinfo.asp?number=RIN94008
  21. Do you have the ability to read the codes from the computer. I had a similar issue a number of years ago and it turned out to be the computer itself. I fried it when I connected the battery when the key was in the on position. I was lucky as there are a number of Monsoons around here that helped me by just exchanging parts until like you eliminated basically all possibilities. I also tried the fuel pump route but that didn't fix it either.
  22. Down to the bargain price of 9m. At this rate I will be able to afford it with 3 more reductions like that.
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