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What are you going to do different in 2019?


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Yes I know - Lose weight, eat right, yoga, coffee grounds up your tail pipe, go to the gym, bla bla bla same old $h*t everyone says every year.


Really. What are you going to do different on the water? Or how are you going to change what happens on the water?

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  • Baller
Lose weight, eat right, yoga, go to the gym......thats all going to help what happens on the water (not sure about the coffee grounds)..... I've already lost 15 lbs, probably going to lose another 5-10 (21% body fat down to 17, heading for 12%....I get a new vest when I get to 12%) and have started working out again... thats gotta help on the water. Specifically ON the water? MORE TIME on the water, and as much as I can at Jodi's. Keep plugging away at the things I've been doing with Jodi's help.
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  • Baller_

My list:


1. I will be intensely focused on the following thread, especially the tips from @adamhcaldwell




2. I will be working on how to get my shoulders back or, rather, how to be in a position that prevents them from being pulled forward.

3. I will be trying the Rev S plus setting in ZO. I have not experienced that or Trick mode yet.

4. I have already mailed my entry for an L tournament. That will be my first and, while it won’t do anything specific for my skiing or be an exceptional performance, it will be an experience I’ve wanted. I’ll ski two of those this year.


I’ll also work on conditioning and less drinking. I’ve already cut back quite a bit on the drinking. Conditioning results are about the same so far - not bad but not great.


Of all of this, the item at #1 is going to pay the most dividends.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller

1. Slow the boat down 1mph until August. I want to learn 28off so I can feel the swing of the boat. Hoping this will build confidence & muscle memory.


2. Try to switch my grip (right palm down/ RFF). If it doesn't work after 10 sets, go back to my normal upside down grip.

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  • Baller
Try to be more like @jayski. Seriously, be more focused from the beginning of each set on the water. It's easy to jump in and start skiing, then a couple passes in you wonder what you've been doing the first couple passes. Continue with fitness and coaching as always.
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one of my ideas is as follows...


I have for rope lengths that I work at:


#1) opener

#2) not super challenging and almost never miss it

#3) super challenging pass I only make when I'm skiing my very best

#4) PB pass - I've only got past two ball three times ever


Most of my rides consist of two passes at rope length #1 & 4 or 6 passes at rope length #2. These are the rides where I'm working on honing technique, being consistent and such.


Mid-late-season I bang on rope length #3 a fair amount. When I do run it I'm usually so amped up and or physically worked that any attempts at rope length #4 are fruitless.


What I want to do more of in 2019 is to skip rope length #3 and move on to #4. This is to gain experience and spend some time at the harder length when I'm not already physically spent.


I discovered this by accident last summer when on a lark I opted up and then got much further down the pass than expected. Now clearly this is not something that I'm going to do often. It's maybe a once every 10 rides exercise and only mid late in the season.


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@lpskier seriously? I wouldn't do this until I'm occasionally knocking down past #3. I think this is one of those ideas that has value if it's applied only sparingly and when logical.
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  • Baller_
@horton Well what I am curious about is whether you think this is an effective tool to try to peak for a big event. I get it that you have to be skiing well to use it, but how do (or whether) you use it to your best advantage when you need to peak is my question.


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  • Baller

Use restraint in jumping on different skis. The concept of staying on a ski to extract all its potential is starting to make sense. I'll probably try one or two, but that will be it. (except for 'fun' days....strap on the bindings to an old Duvall or Mastercraft and see how it rides)


ps: Fins may be an issue though. Jay's new fin, the CG, the strange fin Lucky gave me, different wings.


ps2/segue: What ever happened to "ventrals"? It seemed to be a fad. For me it was inconclusive. It did smooth things out, but did add drag, which definitely doesn't work in my favor.

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  • Baller
Video EVERY pass to make sure that I initiate edge change before the first wake and that my shoulders stay level until the handle release (which is going to get later). The goal = not so fast at the bouy and in better shape to turn without slack. (ran 38 twice for the first time last year, don’t want it to be the last time!).
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  • Baller
Going to do alot more endless miles of freeskiing on the Couer D Alene river with friends and family. BBQ and drink some beers on the river bank and go at it again. Thinking of grabbing a new ski to change things up. Maybe a KD.
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  • Baller
Definitely going to approach practice differently this year, I started to do it at the end of 2018 and it paid off. I really want to focus on always having a gameplan in practice; mixing up practice sets more and not getting burned into doing the same thing. Trying to make every set a new challenge to push my best.
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  • Baller

Trying to get out of Japanese level.

We are(Japanese) too struggling at 15-32off.and so do I. Except Mr.Kurisawa who has Japanese mens slalom record at 4@39/10.75 (2005-6)


Planning to Learn and understand more with @twhisper online video coaching from this spring.

My goal for this year is run 32 with no problem and run into deep 35 and more than 2 at 38.

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  • Baller

Just going to try and have more fun...as a heavy Type A, I have to learn to dial it back a bit. It will probably help my skiing and in life in general....


Would like to ski with @twhisper a bit more (even if he had that “what do I do with this train wreck?” look on his face!) as well as get back to his training site. Took the winter months off.

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