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2021 is my last year of USAWS


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  • Baller
@jayski it definitely decreases the possibility b/c we as an NGB have to protect our members and do the right thing. If we are taking the action to help prevent incidences we are way less likely to be negligent in a lawsuit. Same reason we have MVR now for drivers and coaching classes, and insurance at events.
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  • Baller
@JeffSurdej does SS make every adult that completed the course a mandated reporter. If so, does that not take some of the responsibility off of the organization and put it on the individual as well? If this has already been discussed, my apologies.
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  • Baller

@LLUSA @JeffSurdej


So the organization is not guaranteed to be shut down, but just "decreases the risk" (according to some mystery data that bears no definitive value) AND membership is now personally liable, taking some heat off USA Waterski as they did their due diligence and can say, "well we offered the program and they all should of been aware and acted appropriately" *washes hands and walks away*


So with new liability on membership now, what is USA waterksi doing to protects it's members from liability in a scenario where person's may just be at a tournament where an incident occurred but had zero contact with any person in violation or victim, or knowledge of occurrence?? I am sure if said lawsuit comes about EVERYONE at the event will be named...


Maybe @lpskier can shed some light too from a legal standpoint?

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  • Baller
@JeffSurdej so the point of SS is to reduce responsibility/liability of the organization and place it on individual members? Take a mandated class that potentially could increase one's own liability?? What's next? Will all members need proof of an umbrella insurance policy to protect themselves in the event of an issue, valid or not? Still say this whole thing was decided under the "ready, fire, aim" approach.
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  • Baller

I posted tongue in cheek translator clip, but seriously how you can you expect an English language course to be applied to people who do not speak English? How many languages to do you want the course to be prepared in?


But because we cannot apply this new thing to 100% of tournament skiers I will give up because 2% of IWWF skiers do not have to. This is for AWSA skiers manage your own house as much as we can.




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  • Baller

@NameUnavailable all of us parents feel that way, but it won't be great for your family visiting you in a cell. You sound like Liam Neeson in "Taken"--which is a movie. No diss to your skills.


Hope the goal is rather to prevent the incident, because despite some revenge (if you are indeed inclined to pursue) the deed is done.

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  • Baller
@gjohnson : First of all, Fox wouldn't make it a mandate like the other networks. That's a pretty condescending statement towards the viewers of the most watched station in the country. Believe it or not, we deplorables are educated enough to evaluate and make decisions on our own!
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  • Baller
@gjohnson What does your statement regarding Fox have to do with Nassar, just another ignorant response. So all Fox viewers condone rape, what a dick you are! @BraceMaker : Nonsense, sorry, I'm not going to let a statement go that stereotypes a group of skiers based on what network they watch. Did I not say we are independent thinkers, and you are right, can't stand Rivera either, but that's not the point. I agree with @slow, this is a ski site, but I didn't bring it up,
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  • Baller

problem is for the first time in history you have a stake in the ground. Left of it there is debate, strife, variation in opinion and thought, a color palate of discord or nuance and to the right of it is one color of gray. Used to be there was room over there for discord and opinion.


No longer, kitzinger, rivera, cheney nope no room over here for discord get your woke selves off our lawn you rinos.


Wanna know the problem today it isnt that people are becoming more aware its that people are less tolerant of thoughts (and they just want gray) Very offputting.... The alternative view point has been being quiet on here to promote ski topics... Its not that they arent here theyve just been being polite but eventually people need to be scolded to know not everyone agrees with them.


Hence why this should be truly politically neural but it aint its pretty =>

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  • Baller
Before anyone tars and feathers me - Im a pretty far right guy in general, but I can call a spade a spade. I personally have a gun room in my house, literally a room dedicated to my firearms. Its not that I dont like conservative values or agree with them. But like I am being displaced by the lack of room right of the stake, and so many of us are its not funny. And yes Ill take a class and move on.
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  • Baller

@NameUnavailable you have your judges rating? I dig your use of slalom terminology--I did miss my gates in a tourney--once. I intimidated the tower judge afterward cuz I was a bad-ass powerlifter at the time--it never happened again.

Just razzing you, man--no malice.

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  • Baller
Just to note, @BS74 and @scuppers are not members of AWSA and have not been for quite some time, @scuppers going on 9 years. For them to continue to berate, call names, and argue with actual members including board members shows that they are simply using this for their political platform and stance.
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  • Baller
@unksskis : Did I miss something, who made you King of the forum? When someone makes a disparaging statement about skiers because of the Network they watch, (So your a Larry Nasser fan? Raping children is cool in your world?) You're damn right I'll fight back! Maybe your political statement should be addressed to the person who brought up Fox news, it wasn't me!
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  • Baller

@unksskis Your research is spot on. I'm 72 years old, I skied Nationals 10 years in a row - when it was 100+ guys in men's 3, 4, & 5. Lets analyze why I am no longer a member.

(And this is part of why THIS post is never ending.)

When people find something's value underperforms its cost - they quit spending.


I no longer have a need to prove my ski capability to anyone, and lots of travel, long weekends at a remote ski site and the expense hasn't appealed to me for at least 9 years as you pointed out. Otherwise I ski nearly every day right here at home. On this forum I have not ever stated weather I'm for or against the SS training

I have Not berated anyone ever on any post. gjohnson made a very inflammatory statement in his post which I felt needed some rebuttal.

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  • Baller

In my new sport there is quite a bit of drama at the moment. Seems in the past when proposed rule changes came up there was a 90 comment period where the change was posted and membership was able to contact their area director with their "yes-no-or lets tweak this" input.


Over the past few years it has moved to the board/president making decisions and moving on. A lot of the membership isn't happy and there is change afoot. Just saying that over the past few years there has been a lot of change in AWSA (USA Water Ski-whatever) and I'm not sure how much input was asked for. SS is an extreme example, but what about age and speed changes, having five kids divisions, boat requirements/costs, etc.


I agree with Drago in that people like to feel as if they have some control. Overall there are many who aren't sure and/or don't like where the organization is going.

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  • Baller_

Speaking of the devil, "The Latest News From the American Water Ski Association" just showed in my inbox. One of the key highlights is Updated USA-WSWS MAAPP Requirements. The link to the website reads in part:


"USA-WSWS has approved an updated Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy (MAAPP) applicable to all members and LOCs.


These required updates come from the U.S. Center for SafeSport (the “Center”). USA Water Ski & Wake Sports’ updated MAAPP has been approved by the Center and is required to be fully implemented by USA Water Ski & Wake Sports’ and its LOCs in full beginning Jan. 1, 2022. "


I'm pretty certain none of our membership and very few of our "leaders" have any input to the "Center", but the "Center" apparently can dictate whatever it wants and we just have to obey.

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller_

@Bruce_Butterfield And why is that???


I know! Because the "current" National Governing body:for competitive waterskiing accepts and needs the indirect Government funding!

Look at it this way it gives a beuracrat a job!

Take their money play by their rules!


How long will it take before another series or competitive platform arises from the other then usaws?


Funny world we live in as the social climate also is dictating direction of the sport.


Waterskiing! Who da thunk it??



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  • Baller
Just recieved the email in regards to SS, the training itself maybe a sticking point for some. But the increased 'asks' of organizers is pushing the envelope for me. I have enough on my plate from a technical and organizational side but the extra 'ensurances' and 'reporting' that I must now do makes me question our site holding any sanctioned events this year. No one may care but I'm overloaded and tired of requirements as it is and my desire to put in this extra effort is tipping the scales for me.
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  • Baller

Well it looks like Canada isn't a safe harbor from Safe Sport training . . .




As mandated by Sport Canada, Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada is committed to providing Safe Sport Training to key Coaches, Officials, Judges, Athletes, Staff and Volunteers to ensure a sport environment that is safe for all participants. Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada will offer the training through the Respect in Sport Group – https://www.respectgroupinc.com/ online education platform. This training platform will help anyone involved in sport identify and prevent situations of maltreatment. Completion of the training modules that are part of the education platform will be verified by Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada and recorded in our database system.

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