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Everything posted by alex38

  1. i saw that air on tv, couldnt believe i was watching a pro skier on prime time tv, even if just for several seconds
  2. i once saw a similar issue, problem was DEFECTIVE cap. Prob not the same thing but just to cover all bases
  3. I used to love the feeling of cheating death (or hard passes) on my d3's, but now as I age I got on an A2 which is fairly forgiving, but what I like even more is how it rewards attempts at good form. I.E. if I counter halfway decent she turns all the way to the wake.
  4. @horton, are you going to vaporize 39.5 off?
  5. @horton, I could save you some time and just give you my address for shipping.
  6. I have an oneil pullover.,. Lasted so long don't remember when I got it
  7. Those are all good tips, I heard a pro skier say she won by thinking 1 buoy at a time-that worked for me alot. I never know whats gonna happen out there so for awhile I would focus only on a proper pullout and gate-this also worked. Sometimes I think I have so much fun skiing I forget I'm an athlete, so I will occasionally try to act like one.
  8. I think a plate that was printed or revealed exact distance from its trailing edge to front binding would be convenient, then just measure to tail for super easy measuring.
  9. Just be careful, knew a guy that ripped it in whitecaps ...then couldn't do %&$# when it was nice!!! Also be careful not to get hurt of course.
  10. Okay cool, so.. 3 or 4 strips down entire plate depending on weight. (170)
  11. So if my plan was to use dual loc tape as a release; I would use 6 total strips of sj3870 (about 5 yards) and it would be 3 on ski, 3 on plate, 250 ct to 250 ct (not 400?) is there a diagram for where the strips go exactly?
  12. Cool, did strada binding mount directly to g-10? Or did you have to attach the binding to a plate and then mount on g-10? And is g-10 plate lighter? sorry for all the questions.
  13. Is anyone using stradas with interloc? and if so, could you share how its generally (or specifically) done? I had a bad fall this spring and wife wants me to look at full releasing systems and I cant afford a reflex. Thanks in advance guys.
  14. Water skier.... Super young Slalom skier.... First time I watched someone go down the rope from the boat at 36.
  15. I think ease of slalom is relative to overall environment (for lack of better term). Where we live, whom we ski with, access to equipment/boats, athletic ability, etc. There's alot of "moving parts" to this sport. But it is very apparent ski manufacturers are designing and making skiis with only 1 ultimate goal...to make slalom easier. Skiing is fun, ripping many buoys is funner.
  16. And feel free to come down to RI and help us with our next milestones!
  17. No fist pump is huge, great skiing! Any b2b's? Those can be huge indicators of progress and make great milestones! You will certainly figure something out for 39 I'm sure. Your video looks like me at -32!
  18. @Chef23, @GroovyGrant,, @ctsmith, I had my liners heat molded at a ski shop with the footbeds in them, pretty sure that helped mine stay put, mine were very stiff too, but I also suspect all my molding, and tightening contributed to my injury, not caused, just didn't help.
  19. I'm 86ing mine, but I hurt my Achilles so I'm minimizing what I'm doing bindingwise.
  20. @gloersen, between that avatar and photos in post you are... An animal!!!
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