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Everything posted by alex38

  1. Doesn't look too bad at all, you're runnin some buoys there. I'm no pro but have skied with some, if I were the only observer in the boat for that set I would mention 2 things: 1. The first pass you appear to be getting progressively flatter each time you go they the wakes. Keep arms straight and pull thru both wakes. 2. We used to have decent success with skiers by telling them not to over think the turn, try not to look at it as a turn but as a "change of direction", get wide, relax, "change direction" smoothly, and go. When you're at Seth's try and get a couple rides with Adam Caldwell, great instructor.
  2. Sometimes I (amature fin adjuster) over turn set screws and have to spend 10 more minutes getting it back. An estimate of how far a half or whole turn goes could be helpful, but would probably differ widely from ski to ski. May be something I figure out for my own ski.
  3. Than I've been following this forum for awhile, you are about to blow up 38. I'm no pro but have skied frequently with 3 or 4 open skiers (one of whom runs 39) Adam C. was always keeping us focused on other signs of success (which I'm sure you know about). i.e. when was the last time you missed 35 in practice? How many 35's in a row have you run? Or how many in the last 10 attempts? How does 35 feel? Way better? How is your gate and 1 at 38? Just a couple different ways to measure good skiing other than full passes at super shortline. I'm currently nursing a strained Achilles and can't ski til September, but when I do I will be back, but "working on 38" will be a pipe dream for me. Keep it up.
  4. I would lose that 30mph pass, and maybe try getting wider for the gate pull in (be careful not to pull too hard out to 1) that should give you a little more space to practice all the stuff posted above. If you ski alot I would spend some time at 22/34 to work on the stuff posted above ie: gates, position, staying outbound off wake, etc
  5. Crazy, correct me if I'm wrong, but all he needs to do is break apex line with tip of ski for 1/4 buoy? That is nuts hell do it!!!
  6. I have 2 pair mediums with plastic, my buddie' s larges have metal.
  7. @6balls funny, cuz when I first tried em I examined them to no end thinking: there's gotta be a better way for this.... You're idea was it.
  8. @6balls, I have 2 pair of vices, I cut the loops off 1 pair leaving like a 2 mm line of excess. I can't ski right now but this does seem way better, feels like less volume bunched up by fingertips and more of a "hook" from the strap. I did have 1 stick once too and was a little freaked out, looks like your mod may be the way to go. Ski well.
  9. Never met you, but have followed your sick skiing thru this site so I know you are an athlete's athlete and will come back strong, I am currently sidelined til September with a strained Achilles, recover well.
  10. I would petition for a radar locks comeback!!!!
  11. Hi 6balls, could you show o photo of the cuts you made? I have a pair that I took the dowels out of, then started to look at ways to get the little loop out if the way, I can probably figure out what you did. Did you make it so it is as if there never was a dowel loop?
  12. Is there anyway to see results from the pro am?
  13. @mattp true, that sequence in Meters would be 1m, .75m, .5m, .5m, .5m.
  14. Increments from 28 off (in feet) to 43 go 4ft, 3ft, 3ft, 1.5ft, 1.5ft, 2ft. The shortening from 41 to 43 is, perhaps, out of sequence with somewhat of a pattern.
  15. @horton, other question for setiings is: (w/o starting new post) is "tips" meant to be with caliper tips going across the fin slot, cuz if you angle them in and they go into the slot you can get a slightly longer measurement, (I feel like the latter is not the proper way to measure).
  16. Got it, that is actually helpful cuz I never knew about that spot, gonna dial this puppy in right.
  17. Or... Anyone running a sequence plate on an A2 and have a hole placement?
  18. Measure from very bottom where it meets the ski? Or protruding heel part that is farther back? Thank you.
  19. Can a 2002 ski Nautique with 5.0 little PCM Pro sport be converted? Or does that need a different engine?
  20. Awesome, will go with mediums. I was just testing em out on a handle on my deck, I think they'll be good, thanks Chris!
  21. I usually wear med gloves, and have been using radar locks for awhile, I just got a lg and a md pair of vices and can't tell (without skiing) which size will work better. The lg pair seems a tad loose but hook nicely onto my handle, the mediums fit tight but the strap seems too short. Does anyone have a way to guage this well prior too skiing? If I have to try both in water I will but then will have to sell other pair, opposed to just returning them. Thanks.
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