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It is time for your yearly Who Are You Guys thread:


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whatsup guys, Brooks Wilson here, Pro skier I guess you could say, I just have fun being on the water like the rest of you guys and want to be here to help answer questions for ya, whether it be technique or how to build a couch on skis I'll try to help you out. My brother and I run our site thewilsonbros.com and enjoy every second we get on the water. let's talk skiing
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  • Baller

I am Doug Wolgamot (age 32). I began skiing at age 5 and started in the course at age 11. I competed (only at the state level) from about age 15 to 21. I ski with a group of about 18 guys on a 2500 acre public lake we live on ranging in age from 20 to 75. I have been skiing with many of them for the last twenty years. We move a portable course around to different locations about every two weeks, depending on the forecasted wind direction. For a large lake we get pretty good water, but we have to start at 6:30 am to get it. We have about 10 boats among the guys in the group, mine is a 98 Malibu Echelon. My personal best in practice is 4 ½ @ 35 off 36mph and 3 ½ @38 off 34mph. My best score in a tournament was a couple at 32 off, I think (it was a long time ago). Our boats don’t have speed control, so obviously that will have a big impact on how I ski once one of us ponies up to buy it.


We are in Minnesota, so our season is pretty short by most standards. We start the day the ice comes out and end a day or two before it freezes. No one owns a drysuit. Many of the retired guys ski 5-6 days per week for the entire season.


My 5 year old daughter started skiing two years ago and is really coming along…getting some buoys on two skis, and I am pretty sure will be slaloming pretty well by this summer. She has no fear and asked to learn to barefoot at 4 years old (and actually figured it out on the boom after crashing over and over and over). Last summer she asked me when she can start to ski tournaments, so I expect I will be getting back into tournaments along with her this summer. I guess we’ll see.


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  • Baller

Hi all Mark Daniel [ 53] started learning to ski at 50.Started with a aluminum fishing boat towing the kids around.Next was a Hallet Hustler .Then a Malibu vlx.Too big for skiing.And now a Moomba Outback.Much better.Have just started to learn the course.Im on a radar p6 and have a long way to go.

We live in Theodore Queensland Australia and ski on the Dawson River

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Chris Passeri here....38 and slalom skied for the first time in nearly 20 years last season. I just picked up an HO COX this season and hope to be able to work my way through the course with confidence at 30 mph this year at 15 off. I have 2 kids, one 6 weeks and the other 3.5 years old. I hope to get my 3.5 year old out this year in hopes that she enjoys it as much as I.


Great site btw. Been lurking for a while, but don't post much.

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  • Baller
Never started skiing until I was 17 after dad bought a jet boat for the local lake in Southern Alberta. Wake wasn't bad but the rooster tail would leave welts on your body if you skied through the wake to slow (or naked). Boat died and I was in college with no money so didn't ski much for 10 years. A few years after graduation from law school my wife said okay to a used 2001 Malibu Response. Our family, wife and four kids, have had the best summers ever since. Grew up free skiing and after trying a course a few times a summer on vacation I have finally fixed some of the free skiing errors and can get through 22 at 34. Hoping for 28 this summer. Hoping this helps nail 28 as I fell I can finally edge through the wakes without getting tossed around a bit. Just switched from an F1 with drafts to 2011 Strada with double strada boots. Now I am scared, no reason to blame the boat or ski, if I can't make the pass it is all on me. I found out blaming my wife leads to not having a boat driver and other good benefits so I stopped that quickly.
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Hello, my name is Ted Boysen. My wife & I are retired, in our mid 50's, and we live on a public lake in western Washington state. We each water skied a bit when we were younger, but just goofing around, and never learned to ski correctly. A few years ago we decided to start skiing more often, and we went to wonderful ski paradise in Acapulco. We have been having a blast with our ski buddy,s and have joined the local waterski club. We sold the old Glastron, and purchased a used, low hour 2002 SN, which we love. I was still on my old O'Brien BFS, and Linda on a Connelly Pilot. We then each got HO Triumphs. I then went to a Radar Senate, and I just recently bought a d3 Fusion. The ski club has a Wally course which we practice on. We get coaching from our ski friends, and sometimes professional coaching.(Thanks Eddie, Mark, and Anna)! We are very close to making a full pass at 15 off. I know, I moved up in skis before I had any right to, but I,m having so much fun! We are skiing as often as we can, and the people in the skiing community are so nice and fun. Oh, my wife suggested that my pen name should be bog boy, because I grew up on a peat bog that my dad owned and harvested, to process into top soil. I have enjoyed being a "lurker" on the BOS forum for a few months now, and just decided to participate a little. I think BOS is very informative, and fun. Thanks Horton. Sorry about the long winded introduction.
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  • Baller_
@AndersonSkiTeam. You can always blame your skiing on @MS s posted advice. From what I've read on BOS most do. Hay, that was my first dig on MS. Am I part of the club or just a name dropper?
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  • Baller

This is John Zimmerman. Part of the older crowd in Men's 5. Currently residing in Illinois about 45 miles SW of Chicago. Moved up here from Alabama 2 years ago -yes, what the heck was I thinking? I gave up about 5 months of fine weather ski season - but I did build a house right on a very nice ski lake. Short season - but convenient.

Have skied some in the course off and on since 1991 when I moved to Louisiana and got hooked up skiing with Joe Shea and Chad Scott. Finally did my first tourny about 6 years ago. This would not have happened - but I got a call from Chad to come over from Bama to ski in a touny at the Ski Ranch. I said I was still not interested in tournaments - then there was a pause on the phone - then Chad came back with two words, "You Pussy"! So, I signed up, came over the night before, drank lots of beer, then wrapped up the weekend with several good crashes, but one pass good for 1@35.

Now I seem to ski a lil more consistent, maybe a lil smoother - but my best is still only 2@35. Well, that was until I moved north. I now have a sincer respect for northern skiers who ski so well with such a short season. I'm not sure I am cut out for skiing when my nads look like two-thirds of the Blue Man Group!

Still have property on a fine ski lake north of Mobile, AL - one day we'll be back there skiing 10+ months a year again!

Have my wife to thank for always being very supportive of my skiing, skiing some herself, and being a patient and very good boat driver! Hugs!

Currently, on the mend - looking forward to next season! Cheers!

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One more comment - although moving north has cut back on my ski time - I could not have been luckier to have landed on a lake that has some great fellow skiers who have also become great friends and neighbors! Sunset Lakes rocks!
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  • Baller

My name is Rod Long (yes it REALLY is!!) I'm 47 years old and my wife and I along with our 15 year old daughter just reloacated from Canada south to a private ski community about 20 mins south of Houston where we are about to start construction on our new home.

Started skiing as a teen and took about 20 years off to work and grow up. I currently work for an oil field supply company in Houston.

Got back into waterskiing about 6 years ago. Free open water skier until I spent a few days getting some pointers from Trent Findlayson last winter. He got me hooked and when we were able to move south a waterski lake became our only choice.

Wife drives doesn't ski at all but she enjoys being on the water and lets me enjoy my passion.

We have wonderful people in at our ski lakes and community who have been exceptionally great to us!

Haven't skied for almost a month due to injury but hope to be back at it this weekend.

2004 SN 196LE w/ PP Stargazer, 66" HO A2 with Approach bindings.


Love this site Horton THANKS!!!!!

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My name is Doug. Started skiing around 8 years old behind a Bayliner with 125hp. Skied on a college club team in the early 90s at BGSU, in Ohio. Bought an 87 Supra TS6m at 22 years old. Joined a local club in 06, bought an 05 MC 197 TT and after 12 years got back onto a course. Stayed in club only 2 years and have been skiing open water since then. I get on a course 1-2 times a year. With Nate Smith's help over one day was able to get back to running 28 off earlier this year.


I run ultra marathons, lift weight regularly, paddleboard smooth water, father of a 10 year old boy and have been married for 14 years. My wife worked for the local Nautique dealer where I bought my Supra in 96 and we've been together since then. She can handle a boat, truck and/or trailer with the best of them. She's the only one I'll let pull me skiing unless I'm at a club.


As I mentioned I ski open water, mostly on the Ohio river, near Warsaw KY. It's wide a slow moving there. During peak season its glass until 10 am or so on weekends, off season I can ski any time of day on glass. I ski at 28 off 34mph and ski hard a few times a week.


My 05 197 TT has almost 600 hours on her now and gets babied. She's clean and shiny with one vinyl blemish.


Workwise...I am a lighting designer/consultant specializing in high end residential and resorts. I work internationally and fly a lot. I have worked on projects all over North America and the Caribbean. Currently under contract for a major resort chain but still love doing residential designs.


That's all!!! Got to go get the boat uncovered.

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  • Baller

Chuck P - from Victoria, MN. Been skiing a little since I was 25 (43 now), but just starting to learn the course this year skiing with my FIL and a couple of his ski buddies using their boats. 3 kids 2 in HS and one in college. Currently own a Bayliner 195 which will become a Moomba Outback-V next year. Also a ski racer - Nastar and beer league. The OldJeep comes from a hobby of mine building and offroading jeeps. Currently I've got a couple jeep projects but they are the kids daily drivers, I stopped offroading a couple years ago from lack of interest.


http://www.oldjeep.com is my very out of date website which is mostly a parking ground for pictures.



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  • Baller
Bruce Kohen slalom and footin' junkie guru. Owner of Kohen Sports and Barefoot Beach Ski School. Inventor, Design Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Level 2 USA Waterski coach, Coast Guard and Red Cross trained Life Guard, Camp Waterski Director and wearer of many many other hats. Training boats: SN2007 (ski partners boat) and Barefoot Sanger. Ski mostly for fun and heath but have competed in the past (early to late 1980;s)
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Hello Ballers:


My name is Tom Bennett, 48 yrs old. (6'4", 255lbs., referenced for a question later) I have been a lurker for a while.


I grew up skiing/barefooting/tricking in Fresno, CA. My family went from a TriHull to a MC PS 190. I now live in So. Cal. I have a 89 MC PS, still in Fresno with my Brothers. In So. Cal, I ski behind my Brother in Laws 90 MC PS (mostly salt water).


From about 20-30ish, my now brother in law and I would take several House Boat trips to Lake Mead and drop in our course.


Starting the family, less skiing.


Late 30's/early 40's, I utilized the best known secret called Cutting Edge Water School for training/ski time/instruction. 5 minutes from my house, Skiing with reserved time slots --Brilliant! Unfortunately, some city officials shut this down.


I have skied a course once since then. I re-caught the bug after my son 20 yr. old sons baseball dreams ended this summer with a torn UCL. This summer, we skied numerous times, as a family. Now, my son and my daughter are both getting addicted.


I am trying to use skiing/threat of joining a club/spending $$'s on a new ski as a motivation to drop 30 lbs. I am on a 2013, 71" Triumph. I could maybe squeeze 15 off at 34. This used to be easy for me. I would like to relegate the Triumph for training. YES, I do realize the ski now has more potential than me right now.


I am looking to buy a more Course oriented ski for my size/lbs this Spring. Thoughts??


Great website, great community. Thanks to the banner sponsors too.



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  • Baller
I have been enjoying the site for some time I guess it's time for an introduction. I am from the Toronto area in Canada. I ski for the most part on a lake about 2 hours east of toronto. Have a 1997 SN 196 with StarGazer. We have had a course on our lake for about 16-17 years now. I currently ski on a 67.5 S2Practice I have run 3 @ 35 34 mph, best in a tournament was 2 @ 32 36 mph. Our season is far too short and I envy reading about all of you guys in the southern states skiing almost year round. My season was cut even shorter this year as I had to have surgery on my knee a few weeks ago to remove an infection. I am doing quiet well now the only real limitation the doctor put on me for the next month is not to submerge it! So skiing is out! Anyway as I said I am enjoying the site keep up the great work.
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  • Baller

Erik Forsee 19 years old, grown up skiing with family and friends in the great state of Washington. I compete in class c tourney's mainly on the eastside of the state and am now doing some collegiate skiing. This year I am the president of the Wakeboard/Waterski Club Team at Washington State University. My personal best is my tournament best, 2 at 35off 36mph two weeks ago at Tate Lake. I love skiing and love to see people get into the sport so my position as president this year has been a lot of fun.


Western Collegiate Regionals is next weekend at Bell Aqua. WSU is bringing 3 guys including myself and one girl. Go Cougs!

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  • Baller

I've never had a chance to jump in one of these threads until they are so long I figured "why try". This one looks good though


I'm Wayne, live in Michigan been skiing since I was 5 (37 now). Didn't really start slalom skiing until I was 27. Made it to 28 off at 36 MPH about 6 years ago. Between knee injuries and kids I haven't been able to advance past that and probably regressed but it's really about enjoying the water for me now.


Looking for ski partners that live on the Portage chain of lakes. Finally have my dream of living on a lake!

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