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Water Skiing mourns one of its greatest champions – Andy Mapple 1962 - 2015


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  • Baller
Very sad news. I watched him and Deena back in the late 80's, early 90's and tried to learn from what I saw on TV. Respected his ethic, and everything I saw of him. More I do not know as I just saw from afar. But much respect, love, warm wishes and prayers for him and his family.
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  • Baller
I'm still in shock. the sport has lost its king, but more importantly a family has lost its father. My heart goes out to the Mapple family and all of his close friends. I was fortunate to meet Andy once a few years ago, I was early to the lake for a set with Jodi Fisher who Andy had graciously let use the lake for his school. Andy was prepping some skis and training for the senior worlds, I believe his first over 35 competition. He asked if I minded spotting in the boat for a trick run and I'll never forget him say "we don't do a lot of trick skiing around here" with a laugh. Of course it was truly an honor just to sit there, I was in awe of this legend of our sport.
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  • Baller_

My first water ski mentor was Dr. Bill Swanton. He skied every day during the season, well into his seventies. One day he skied into the dock, climbed up the ladder, took off his life jacket, and keeled over dead as a door nail dripping wet. What a way to go: quick, painless and doing what you love to do.


From the sound of things, Andy may have had a similar fate. While way too early, it sure beats other alternatives.


I did some driving at Andy's this spring. Once, during one of his clinics I pulled him. First off, I was pulling Andy. Second, he wanted to do a flying dock start. Third, because of people on the dock I couldn't really see him. Number one job of an underling: never make the boss look bad. I was sweating bullets. Fortunately for both of us he went off without a hitch. Boy, was I nervous.


Another time in the 90's I was skiing one spring with Bruce and Toni Neville at their house (where Freddy and Karen now live). One morning I show up and shortly after Kristi Overton pulls in followed by Andy. So it's the five of us. I had never met either of them and they were at the top of their respective games. I had just started skiing in board shorts, and every now and then they'd fill up with water and I'd blow my start. Again, I was worried I'd fall getting up with Andy Mapple in the boat! I'd be mortified! Well, I didn't blow my start, I got up and had a great set and got some great coaching.


I guess the theme here is that I get nervous when I am around greatness.


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  • Baller
I was stunned when I saw this this morning. Prayers and condolences to Deena and the family. I got into water skiing in high school in the 80's and remember he and BLP going at it many times. Just awesome to watch. RIP Andy.
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  • Baller_

Thank you everyone for the kind words, I know my dad is smiling down from heaven, I have been in tears just reading story after story of how he made people feel and smile. He was and will always be my hero.


My family asks people not request details at this time I will make an announcement at some point.


Thank you to the entire waterski community for the support, and I look forward to seeing people at upcoming events, I think this will be a special rest of the year in our industry.


Thank you




Performance Ski and Surf 




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  • Baller
I was fortunate enough to ski my first senior worlds last year, I managed to just get in to the finals so i had a very early seed. the over 45 group just skied and Andy and Jeff were just finishing up hanging around the dock. I am up in 1 skier and Andy took the time to come over and talk to me before my set. trying to decide to opt up and skip 38 and take a tail wind 39, Andy asked me what my game plan was, I told him what i was thinking; He looked at me and smiled, with 100% confidence he said, It's easy out there, thats a great idea. You got this. Greatest skier of all time, took the time to encourage me before worlds. Amazing individual, amazing talent, amazing person, He will be miss. Prayers for @mike_mapple and the rest of the family. There are no words for this kind of loss.
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  • Baller
I felt more welcome at the Mapple Sports Complex than anywhere in the world. Time stood still every time I skied with Andy there, and he seemed so ready to share his time, knowledge, and joy for the sport. The feel was just so relaxing. How on earth does the greatest skier of all time make regular folks like me feel relaxed??? Don't know, but I never felt pressure there, and it always felt like Andy's sole goal was to help me be comfortable and ski my best. His accessibility to all of us was second to none. He and I just talked in late July about fin settings, as he promptly responded to my inquiry (as always). He was a special skier, and a special person. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
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  • Baller
A lot of fine memories of Andy the legend i never meet but as teens at 1990s we started with an way to big 68" Connelly HP and plywood boat with 35hp mercury and a few bouys that we tried to get our tiny legs around tree buddies that tok 3 names from the STARS of waterski that wee seen in waterskimag in sweden it was our own Mikael Kjellander Cory Pickos and Andy, and now i get tears in my eyes even if i never had the luck as many of u guys to meet him... I got mike assigned my role character when we skied. don't know how to finish this but have Andy and his closest relative in my mind and heart.
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  • Baller

Worked with/for Andy at times. One memorable time was when they were living on a lake near

?Leesburg, back early-mid 1980's. Where I first did a 1-point survey with a rented instrument,

some years before I bought mine.


Also on his attempt to revive Pro skiing with the WWSP events in 2005. In Flushing, NY and in

Dousman, WI. Too bad that it was only one year, but from being involved with Pro Tour events,

I know what a burden they are to organize & run.


I was the Technical Controller for 2 of his World Records, where he became the 2nd person to

run 39 (the day after Mike Kjellander), and 2nd to run 41 (at Miami, next year after Jeff Rodgers).


Even though he 'retired' in 2004(?), he just couldn't stay away from the sport.

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  • Baller

I first invited Andy to do a clinic at Princeton Lakes 5 years ago I think. Back when he was with O'brien. Since then he has been back every year or more for a week at a time. He was like a member of the club and treated every skier, no matter how well they skied, the same and wanting no more than to try and make you a better skier.


We may not be better skiers but we are better people because we had the opportunity to be around him and call him our friend.

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  • Baller
WOW ...I Just met Andy last week at Waterski Nationals. We talked a long time about me coming to work at his new factory he JUST broke ground on down in Orlando. He just added me to h is group on FB on friday............WOW.JUST WOW.
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  • Baller
I was lucky to meet Andy on multiple occasions. I met him a couple of times at the Cleveland Boat show, also got to ski with him, Deena, and Ben Favret when they had their ski school in 1995. Andy and Ben pulled a bit of a practical joke on me at the time. They had me run the slalom course on my trick ski. I was doing it pretty easy, but when it came to the end gate Andy changed the boat path at the last second and I missed the exit gate. I was on my ski laughing, and I could see Andy laughing too. He also came up to Dave's Pond in Edinboro PA and gave a clinic which was a good time a few years ago. My thoughts and prayers are with Deena, Mike and Elyssa.
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  • Baller
Shocked and sad, definitely the GOAT. I was very lucky to have a long chat with him (for two hours) in Poros Greece, 2 years ago, while waiting for the conditions to improve and finally had a quick set with him coaching. Amazed of how friendly and approachable he was despite the fact that he was a legend. My condolences to his family
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  • Baller
I'm having a very hard time with this. I watched Andy ski in awe back in the 90s, and met him and started skiing with him in 2012. Never met a finer, more genuine, caring man. He and his family always made me feel nothing but welcome. Yes, he was a great skier, but the man he was far exceeded that. I am fortunate to have called him friend. My prayers are with Deena, Mike, and Elyssa
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  • Baller
I had the pleasure of having lunch with Andy at the Diablo Pro Am a few years back, and then again in 2014 I had the pleasure of having lunch with Andy at the California Pro Am. Andy, said we had lunch at Greg's lake a few years ago, and I was blown away, Andy was a loving caring person and a great guy to talk with. I only meet Andy a couple of times, and I'm just another average skier, but I will miss him. My prayers out to your family Andy, I know your in a good place.
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  • Baller
I just have memories of watching the Mapple's on TV way back in the day. I'd watch water skiing every chance I got and there were always Mapple's around! I never got to meet the man but have heard nothing but good things about him. It's a sad day in the water skiing community. God bless Andy, Deena, Mike and the rest of the family. Praying for all of you.
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So shocked and saddened to hear about the early passing of Andy Mapple. What a great man and true legend of the sport. I was lucky enough to have skied with Andy on Lake Windermere and towed by his Dad Roy Mapple. His sister Sue was a good skier and his Dad was a fine Rally driver. They had a great painting on the wall of the house in Freckleton, it was Roy Mapple in a mini with Andy in the water spraying a huge rooster over the car. RIP Andy , truly missed
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  • Baller
The last time I saw Andy was at the 2014 nats in San Marcos. He is one of the only persons that truly seemed interested in building a ski for me, and I was looking forward to working with him. But that's a selfish thing. Gone way too soon, and a true legend in the sport. Saw some photos of FB of him volunteering at a disabled clinic in FL. I propose the next slalom set we all take, we dedicate it to Andy.
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  • Baller
I wanted to add one of the things that touched me most about watching Andy Mapple during tour TV coverage back in the day was watching how he supported Deena's success and efforts, and how they appeared to be with each other during those competitions. Really heartwarming and human. Further, as he was born the same year as I, I would always say if Andy can still progress and compete at his level, then I can still get better. He was an inspiration to me. I am still stunned.
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  • Baller
I can't stop thinking about this. I feel that Andy Mapple put all of us in this sport on his back. By competing at such an incredible level, he made all of his competition better; through coaching, he made many of us average skiers better; through his openness and friendship, he shared himself with us all. The sport, and all of us in it, lose a piece of ourselves with the loss of Andy Mapple.
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  • Baller
He has been the face and image of this sport in my eyes for as long as I can remember. Just a dominant competitor and a ridiculously humble champion. Skiing with Andy was literally a bucket list item for me. My wife bought me two sets with Andy last summer when he came to our neighborhood, as an anniversary present for me. Mike Mapple was there driving and Andy coaching. Both of them where simply nice people. He watched me ski two or three passes before adjusting my fin to what I would describe as perfect. I thought I knew better and decided later to experiment a bit with my own settings. After a full 6 months of tweaking and changing things I landed back EXACTLY on Mapples settings. So after the fin change, I ran one of the cleanest 32's of my life before cutting to 35 where I began falling pass after pass at one ball. He gave me some comical yet fitting advice that day where he just said "Daryn - I want you to concentrate on one thing for the remainder of your passes with me today" "what's that Andy? I said with anticipation...pseudo laughing Andy said.."Daryn, I want you to NOT fall again, can you do that? Just stay up on top of the water - that's it, that will be a major improvement". We both laughed and my sets with Andy had began taking shape right then and there. The GOAT, there is no replacement
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  • Baller

I remember Andy tricking. Good video, and good view of "old-fashioned" tricking before the runs

had a bunch of flips. Think he went over 8,000, maybe more. He also jumped, probably quit

after one nasty wreck at a Moomba. Would have made financial sense, if jumping knocks him

out of competing, or holds him back from max-ing out in slalom.

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  • Baller
I have started getting calls from local skiers, recreational skiers, and so on, asking what happened to Andy Mapple. This goes to show how well known across the whole watersports world Andy was. Not just on the competitive level! The whole waterski world has lost a great friend and has been blessed with his presence.
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  • Baller

@Texas6 I was there the same day. I was less than 2 months out of knee surgery but didn't want to miss the chance to ski with the legend. Like you definitely on the bucket list. I skied terrible, but one thing he told me to work on was getting wider. At first I thought maybe it was me just skiing crappy that day, but thinking to myself if Andy Mapple is telling me this there must be something to it. I spent the next year rethinking my technique and have finally just recently started making some break through. He seem to give me just the right advise to get the wheels turning in the direction to get me where I should be.


I had a chance to talk to him and Mike. While his father was out in the boat Mike was bragging about his father bicycling and how their garage was full of cycling stuff. I talk to Andy and couldn't believe how approachable and friendly he was, he told me to send him videos when I got to skiing better and he would take a look. I fell terrible for his family. I think he was just reaching the prime of his life. He had so much more to offer the world.

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  • Baller
Because I know @mike_mapple is reading these stories about his father, and how he touched so many lives. My brother and I skied a clinic with him about ten years ago. We were ecstatic to have the opportunity. I was so happy to have skied one of my tougher passes while he was in the boat. Even more valuable was the advice. After the set, I wrote notes of what he told me and I have referred to those notes when my form is lacking. I have also told the kids at our lake when coaching, "I still remember when Andy Mapple told me that...," and it always helps them. I was able to introduce my sons to him at San Marcos last year. He was very welcoming and encouraging to my son that was a skiing the next day. He is tremendously missed.
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  • Baller
One of my friends texted me yesterday " What about Mapple ??! ". Two thoughts went through my head , he set a new 55k world record , or something bad happened. Wish I saw " Andy sets new record " when I checked out this sight. Feel like I lost a close friend , even though I've only met him a few times. He sure made average guys like me feel important. What a human being he was. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Mapple family and all of his friends. He was well loved.
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  • Baller

What a terrible loss. I rode one of his skis at his lake. I liked it as well or better than my xt. I was ready to buy it ,but at the end of the day he recommended that I wait for a shorter ski which he didn't have at the time. Not your typical salesman or company owner ! That's the kind of person he was. This has left a Huge void because Andy touched so many lives in a positive way.


Thoughts and prayers for The Mapple Family

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  • Baller
Just another note, I get a call in 1996 from AM wanting to know if I'll I let him in my first REL event, I go are you kidding me? Why? It's your first REL and I'm skiing it, why not. Little did he know that he would be moving drainage pipe with Lucky and KLP to lower the lake, when the AM's came out I asked where's mine at the Master's that year, next thing I know were going to his truck and he hands one and says its yours, go figure. He will be missed.
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From Pete Surrette

GM – O’Brien Watersports


August 24, 2015


On Saturday August 22nd the world lost not only a great athlete but a great man. Andy Mapple was the best athlete our sport of waterskiing has ever seen. His accomplishments on the water are second to none. His competitiveness, drive, and relentless pursuit of perfection on a slalom ski are all well documented but it was the man off the water and the friend for many years that will be missed. The Andy smile, the quick laugh, and the unbelievable sense of humor is what will be remembered.


Andy spent most of his competitive life skiing on an O’Brien ski; working with O’Brien’s engineers on design, and trying for perfection. Even in recent years, after going out on his own with Mapple skis, he was still a big part of the O’Brien family. One of my many personal fond memories came from the first time I got to really spend some quality time getting to know Andy. Coeur d’Alene Idaho, late summer 1991, I attended my first sales meeting after joining O’Brien. We were going skiing on the river and I volunteered to get in the water first. Standing on the platform of the boat getting ready to ski, the engine started and when I looked up, it was Andy in the driver’s seat. I am sure the look of horror on my face is what sparked that smile and quick laugh from Andy along with a comment about what was taking me so long. Like most slalom skiers, Andy was who I looked up to in the skiing world and here he was about to be my boat driver for the set.


Over the years, as my responsibilities with O’Brien grew, so did my friendship with Andy. I worked on many projects with Andy and got to see firsthand how his passion for waterskiing made him a fierce competitor which also gave him the drive to succeed in business and in life.


But it was Andy off the water and away from the business that I admired most. There was no ego, there was no pretense, and he was simply a kind human being. He loved to talk about family and what the kids were up to next. He would invariably end every conversation with “Let me know if you need anything” as he was walking away. The world was a better place having Andy in it and I know I am a better person for having him as a friend. He will be missed greatly but forged in my memory is that Andy smile and quick laugh….


Pete Surrette

GM – O’Brien Watersports


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  • Baller_

My prayers are with the family. Andy always enjoyed a good banter. I will always remember how much we enjoyed skiing and laughing. I can't remember ever being with him and not spending a lot of our time laughing.

I will miss him and our sport will miss him. As my brother I look forward to bantering again.

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