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Everything posted by xrated

  1. MN and I wear one in the morning and evening all season. Generally I wear it even when it is 80 and 2pm outside as well. At this point it is more of a mind thing I'm sure as I do sometimes go without, just a habit thing like readjusting my glove velcro 3 times before getting in. Though I am a skinny guy and easily chilled.
  2. I use Windalert for skiing and duck hunting, it has been mostly good except for the few times it lied about when the wind would die and left me in a bad setup hunting.
  3. I dunno, I ski often behind a 17' Starcraft with a 115 Merc 4 stroke on it. It takes me a few feet further to get up than behind inboards and you do have to be aware of hitting it hard and crew weight/position for the hole shot, but it works fine. I'm only 135 pounds though. 180-200 pounders just drop the ski.
  4. right now pretty dang cheap for us. Public water in northern MN with some really really good friends who are almost impossible to even give gas to. Though at the end of each season we try and give them some sort of nice gift, like this year we got them each an aluminum print of them skiing. And on occasion we can sneak gas into the boats, help put stuff in each spring and pull at the end of the year. Of course someday the tables will turn when we have a boat and start paying back all the pulls.
  5. That looks like fun @oldjeep. Might be a fun way to get together with summer ski buds we don't see all winter. And to see how well my current "workout" of not working out but living is working out.
  6. That looks like fun @oldjeep. Might be a fun way to get together with summer ski buds we don't see all winter. And to see how well my current "workout" of not working out but living is working out.
  7. @gcam4 I lost an entire summer for the same surgery. I went into it in great shape and killed rehab but danged if I still didn't need/take the whole 6 months. It sucked but it was worth it as now I only have any real pain after a couple hard days or when the weather is wet and cold...I hate spring and fall now. But I also chose a ortho doc who used to ride motocross so we were on the same page. I view all injuries the same. I am not being paid millions of dollars or even 6 figures to ski, ride motorcycle or whatever else. I gotta be able to work to take care of people and I'd rather still be playing at 60 than hurt worse at 33.
  8. I'd listen to the Ross advice. It has been years since I lifted any weight but when I did the deadlift was one of my favorite. Only advice I have/that I got that really helped, was that the bar should practically drag my shins until my knees...I see @RasorRoss3 gave advice to avoid shin scrapes though. I mainly did 5x5s and 10-8-6-4-2s. Each for I think 6 weeks. For what it is worth at the time I weighed 145 and when we did a max push I hit 330 on the lift. But I had a belt, lots of time working form and I cheated and used the wrist wraps around the bar. Now I just heat with wood for my off season workouts!
  9. I recall some random posts and comments about people skiing or towing on random objects in the past. Well yesterday at my friends annual homemade towables get together I had the chance to defend the ski world against the evils of wakeboarding and the uneducated. My friend entered a pair of snow shoes fastened to an old snowboard cut in half with old bindings and a pair of pac boots. (-100 rating). Anyways he tried 4 times to get up on his entry and failed...after sufficient crap talk from me the only skier around I was "forced" to strap in and try. I thought no problem get out deep, knees to chest and go. Well it turns out big pac boots full of water are super hard to control, so no luck deep water starting as I couldn't even get into position. Went up to shore and sat down with the tails of the snow shoes stuck in the sand and boom!!!! Short video and my wife apparently doesn't know how to turn the phone, but I made a full loop. No wake crossing. I think with an actual tow boat I could have gotten up and ridden on one shoe. http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg9/yz125x/8546A0F2-1206-47F0-8EBD-81588706D6A9_zpsvdk1yot9.jpg
  10. @thager are you sure? @MS must have lost my number for goose reduction or he is not sharing!
  11. I love the sound of any boat motor on the lake while laying in bed...except jet skis. That looks good Razor.
  12. That is awesome! To join in my 10 year old started crossing wakes yesterday and even accidentally rode on one ski for a few feet before face planting. It is amazing how much change there has been in one month going from several tries to get up, to the crouched down super concentration face, to know right up with no help, great form, smiles, wake crossings and the required look of shock over almost losing it or extra speed.
  13. I'd love to see this unfold. Simply because someday I will need to buy a boat...but 3 kids and a stay at home mom really makes the boat budget tight.
  14. @Porkfight I might just need to see of the closest dealer will demo one for a weekend. I love the concept as we open water ski. I rode my wifes P6 at about 30 one day and I just couldn't feel comfy on it. But maybe some more rope time on that style and slower speeds would make it fun. I am by no means a course level skier even at long line.
  15. I would have liked to here that 30-32 was good on it. We open water ski and I as of late have been around 32 and was thinking a Freeride might be a nice addition to the D3.
  16. It was blue and white but being pulled by a white truck. @OTF i'm thinking the next time I am forced back down to Rochester my ski will be making the trip with.
  17. So that sexy looking Carbon Pro I passed and possibly paced and maybe turned backwards to look at while driving north on Sunday was out there?
  18. I guess that could be. The guy I got mine from used HO bindings so I guess I didn't have to worry as I knew mine would work.
  19. Dang!!! And I grew up/live on a weedy lake.
  20. I don't know the year but I have a Custom X and I was able to transfer my Venom and RTP from an old ASX right onto the D3. Did the HO hole pattern change? I took them off an 02 ASX I think, could have been 2000
  21. I hope the outtakes involve how to's on yelling at little kids.
  22. Well then disregard my healthcare advice of lots of beer and rum with possibly a cigar. Good luck healing up.
  23. @MS I might not feel pull worthy but we might have to swing in and check out the scene. Sickening, a guy moves to live on the lake and I've been on the rope exactly once!!!! Damn these house updates needing to be done, cutting into my boat fund.
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