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US Gear Handle or other?


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  • Baller

Getting a new handle soon. Aside from the supply issue from US Gear as discussed in a previous thread, who uses US Gear and who uses Masterline for example? I'm debating whether I should try a curved end US Gear.


I have seen a number of people rate the US Gear handles but how many actually use them? What is the fundamental difference between that curved end as opposed to the regular ends, how does it affect your skiing?

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  • Baller
Love the US Gear handles, but our group is unlikely to order again unless we hear there have been a significant change in the way business is done. Take heed of what was discussed in that other thread. We had ordered a bunch last April for a tournament at the end of June. Our check was cashed, we were told "they're going out today" several times, and then no response to inquiries. After legal threat we finally received that handles this February or March. They really are nice... I just ski'd with one today. I will be sad when our current supply runs out.
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I use the US gear 13" radius V 1.06 I think with spectra. It is awesome, easy to put on and off, grip is not worn at all yet after about 30 sets. Never had a mis grab. Everyone who has tried it loves the grip, but not all love the shape.


That being said it took something like a month to show up when my wife ordered it in October so...

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  • Baller
I'm using a US Gear V 13" and love it. The radius ends are great, like Kfennell says no mis-grabs. One of threads here Masterline says they can make a radius handle, I'll probably try them next time if they can.
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  • Baller
I have 4 US gear handles. They are great! Customer service is an issue. If you don't have a pressing need and order them well in advance....like 6 months...you should be OK. I also remember the thread that @gregy mentioned and I may try Masterline for the same design next time around.
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  • Baller_
We are going on the second summer with a 12 inch curved .940 and a 12 in ARS .960 from US and bars on both are in great shape. My last 6 handles have all been In-Tow or US Gear and they are all good quality build.
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  • Baller
I use a 13" Pro Radius V from US Gear, and have been for 3 years now...I swear I will never ski without a curved end handle again..3 years a go I had a fall where my wrist got caught in that tight V at the end of a regular handle and it nearly took my arm off in a mega-second...Took 6 months for my wrist to properly heal....That is why I switched to the curved radius Pro V from US Gear...Soooooooo much safer and never a misgrab...The handle lasts about a year and a half, and I ski 4-5 sets a week, year round...That is the longest I have ever used a handle..The spectra line still looks like new..I would like to find someone that could re-rubberize one of these handles, since everything else is in perfect shape.
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  • Baller
I've been using In Tow for 10 yrs. typically get 2-3 seasons out of a handle. My last handle with Spectra lasted more than 3 seasons, probably still safe but I didn't want to take the chance. I use Kevlar gloves and the handle hardly shows any wear.
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  • Baller
love us gear, been using one for 2 years now. I purchased another one 9 months ago; Paypal charged but no handle. I have called 15x plus numerous emails and not one reply. DO NOT waste your money, you may not ever see your purchase.
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MasterLine has been an advertiser since 2012. There is no higher quality product on the market today. Please visit http://www.masterlineusa.com/


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  • Baller

@rockdog...I cannot over emphasize the Safety Aspect that the Radius Handle offers...Second is the Performance Aspect of never misgrabbing the Handle again.


I do hope Masterline does produce a Radius Handle with the quality that US Gear offers..I Love Masterline Products, and use their liners, gloves, and ropes.

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  • Baller

thanks @ed_johnson that's the sort of info I was after. Each time I misgrab it makes we want to try a radius. The pathetic service they apparently offer has been turning me off the idea though.


I am with you on Masterline too, got a knotless mainline recently from them and it's fantastic.

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  • Baller
I've used intow for a while now. Used masterlineusa before. Both are great I just prefer the simplicity of intow. Curved is good if you tend to get strained forearms or tennis elbow. It might take a set or two to adjust. I use both in order to ski more sets and because I use both can interchange without any adjustment time. Go intow!
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  • Gold Member
@efw email can be weird. Might want to talk with her on the phone before ending the relationship. Of course, there's no obligation to do so and there are other good handle makers. But it kinda sounds like you prefer her handles, so it might be worth a shot.
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  • Baller
I use the US Gear 13" radius with the elliptical grip. Very comfortable. Great build quality. Skied all last season with it, and it looks great today. It took a few months to arrive and was during the US Gear "injury event" time frame which significantly impacted order fulfillment cycle time. The only misgrabs I've had were more due to late, short grabs while wearing clincher-style gloves. I attribute those misgrabs primarily due to user error and poor return to the handle technique on those instance, secondarily due to the type of gloves.
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  • Baller

I tried the US gear handle last year and had mixed thoughts on it. I liked the fact that it was hard to mis grab. I did find that I tended to grab it out toward the curve and wore out my gloves. In addition when I measured the handle at Regionals it was a little long. Given that it was spectra I couldn't figure out how to shorten it without putting a knot in it (there may be a way but in the day I had to sort it out I couldn't figure it out.)


Based on that I decided to go back to conventional handles. I have used In Tow and Masterline and will probably order a new handle and rope from Brenda trying one with the bar. It is interesting that Brenda's prices have come up. They used to be less than Masterline but now seem to be comparable. I don't have an issue with that as I have had good luck with her stuff.

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  • Baller
Masterline is supposed to be coming out with a curved end style handle similar to the US Gear style. I have not seen any photos but I have spoken with them a couple of times about it. They should be in testing at this time and according to my last conversation with them, availability could possibly be later May.
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  • Baller
@rico I called Paypal and they told me because it was 45 days after the order nothing could be done. Good info on the "online policy" I will be calling back talking to them about this policy. I hope it works as of now I'm out 137.00...
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  • Baller
I have eight sets on my US Gear Pro V radius handle. Unfortunately I didn't have my arm guard properly fastened and had to switch back to my InTow handle in the middle of my set yesterday. I can tell you that I absolutely preferred the US Gear handle when doing that impromptu and immediate comparison.
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  • Baller

Read this on US Gears Facebook page;


US Gear is a one man shop and each handle is built by hand right hear in the good ole USA. Randy Dyar works hard to fill orders. Orders will be filled as they come in and realistic delivery times will be given. This year will be different as US Gear is not supplying distributors to focus on it's valued customers. This will help get the product into customers hands literally! Ski Ya Later.

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